Jesus Christ…..
Jesus Christ…..
My sentiments exactlymen are more aggressive... men thinkin ur attractive is meaninglesss... women need 2 find attractive and they gotta be under 30.. then and only then can you be handsome gang
not for lesbo, but compliments from women are great cuz you know it's sincere cuz they aint just trying to smash
Nah that’s all facts and just to make clear none have every try to hit on me on some wassup shyt. It’s usually just stares or them just complimenting me in a fanly way. Never on some actual wassup shyt. They even try to mask the compliments in a friendly way and never overtly try to hit on me. Moreso just hinting they are down in a very casual non up front way. But you right about all demos and ages. I had a 90 year old lady stop me on the street and say you are so handsome and I can say that because I’m 90 lmao. The only ones that make me uncomfortable are the obv underaged girls who will stare at you and you notice and lock eyes and they still staring in awe lmaoo.It is what it is but it’s still gross. I treat em cordially like a man should (whatsup BRO) or a strong stern handshake or fist bump. They get the picture 100% of the time esp since I push out red energy, that I dont mind stomping a fakkit’s brains out. Idc if I get cancelled, I was born in 92.Treat em like men.
10 years ago I don’t think this would even be a convo, they knew their place.
If they start prancing & acting flirty, like a bytch, treat em like a bytch. From what I seen, dudes usually get that energy if they had a somewhat “soft” or more “open” energy. Not saying that they actually are open to it, but they mighta not caught on to whats going on. Plus some men just naturally carry a stern aura so a faq wouldnt bother. So if you are actually straight you need to figure out why you seem so open . Or maybe there is a part of you that deep down does like it.
And you aint really & I mean truly handsome gang, if you can’t attract women of all ages & races. fukk what everyone else is talking about. Literally have had bytches in a full hijab choosing hard. I been that nikka. That’s all Ima say
Evolve on that.
Yes lmaoooSo man are choosing u is what you are saying?
Tell that to the women who give me free food most the time I go out for food lol
be careful with that cough syrup. i did a deep dive on that stuff a while back and learned a lot.nikka I was faded off that theraflu![]()
I get bad dreams from pills (advil ibu Tylenol)be careful with that cough syrup. i did a deep dive on that stuff a while back and learned a lot.
i had walking pneumonia for weeeeeks way back in the day when i was younger. i ended up going through a bunch of cough syrup over a few days and i almost ended up in the psych ward. its a dissociative drug called dextromethorphan. apparently at small doses it makes you stop coughing but at large doses it turns off receptors in your brain called NMDA which results in hallucinations, psychotic and schizophrenic like behavior. to me it kind of felt like when you get laughing gas at the dentist.
there are people on youtube who abuse this stuff and its scary![]()
Ngl, the gym is probably slightly gayer than an actual gay bar.I've had dudes walk across the gym just to compliment me.Some stare while I'm working out then compliment me when I'm in the locker room in a state of undress.