are you ladies attracted to Pac ?

Steve Piffler

I got them CERTS
May 1, 2012
my lil brother looks like pac. just a few shades lighter. they have the exact same eyes. but he's not one of those fukk boys that dress like pac, gets a nose piercing, and wear bandanas just because they slightly resemble pac.....:pachaha:


Mar 3, 2015
Astrology Natal Horoscope and Birth Chart for
Tupac Shakur

Born: June 16, 1971

Planetary Positions at Birth
Sun:24° 42' in Gemini
Moon:00° 32' in Aries
Mercury:18° 42' in Gemini
Venus:05° 08' in Gemini
Mars:18° 19' in Aquarius Jupiter:28° 42' in Scorpio
Saturn:29° 51' in Taurus
Uranus:09° 23' in Libra
Neptune:01° 01' in Sagittarius
Pluto:26° 58' in Virgo
Conjunction: Jupiter Neptune 2º
Conjunction: Sun Mercury 6º
Conjunction: Venus Saturn 5º
Opposition: Jupiter Saturn 1º
Opposition: Moon Pluto 3º
Opposition: Saturn Neptune 1º
Opposition: Venus Jupiter 6º
Opposition: Venus Neptune 4º
Sextile: Jupiter Pluto 1º
Sextile: Moon Saturn 0º
Sextile: Moon Venus 4º
Sextile: Neptune Pluto 4º
Square: Sun Moon 5º
Square: Sun Pluto 2º
Trine: Mercury Mars 0º
Trine: Moon Jupiter 1º
Trine: Moon Neptune 0º
Trine: Saturn Pluto 2º
Trine: Sun Mars 6º
Trine: Venus Uranus 4º


The Sun in Gemini
The Sun and its place on your chart are the most important information astrology can provide you with. Your most powerful energies and force-of-will are denoted by the Sun's position.

Traits: Adaptable, Versatile, Communicative, Witty, Intellectual, Eloquent, Youthful and Lively

Dark Traits: Nervous, Tense, Superficial, Inconsistent, Cunning and Inquisitive

You were born during a period when the Sun was in Gemini. Gemini are curious and intellectual by nature. They are forever exploring people and places in their quest to attain knowledge. Bright, witty and outgoing, the Gemini charm guarantees they will be the center of attention in any crowd. Matching their intellect is a well-developed imagination.

The duality of the Gemini personality can make it difficult to know just whom you are dealing with. They sometimes appear fickle, flighty and susceptible to whim. These traits often make it difficult for Gemini to finish much of what they start. The other side of their dual personalities is they have an innate ability to multi-task, which is good since their interests are many and varied.

The Gemini Intellect is the key to their being, and provides the foundation for their skills in the art of communicating. Gemini are not born leaders and will usually defer that position to another. However, their clear thinking and creativity allow them to contribute positively to any project. While Gemini love to talk, they also make for a great audience. Overall, their light spirit and interest in almost everything make them wonderful company .
Sun Opposition or Square Moon
You feel your wants and desires are pulling you in different directions. For instance you may need to express your individuality to the maximum, but you desire a warm, loving relationship and the security of strong camaraderie. This dichotomy makes it difficult for those around you to tell what you want.

Sun Conjunt Mercury
For you your view of things is all that matters. You are quite articulate and love to share your opinions with everyone. However, you are not one to listen to the views of others.

Sun Sextile or Trine Mars
Your optimism and energy make you attractive to most people. You love to compete and win, but manage not to be a sore loser. You are full of justified self-confidence that will take you a long ways towards success in any venture you attempt.

Sun Opposition or Square Pluto
You are seeker of power. You want to be known and remembered as someone special. Although you hide the force of your ambitions well, within you lies the potential for fanaticism.

Moon In Aries
The placement of the Moon on your chart denotes a region of life you travel through based upon your instincts. The Moon's placement often points to emotional issues we must address.

You have the Arian trait of speaking bluntly and meaning exactly what you say. You conceal your weaknesses and personal needs from others very well. At times you can be quite emotional and even display a temper that borders on having a tantrum. The expectations you put on yourself and others may be a bit unrealistic. You prefer to take action, and have no tolerance for whiners.

Your Arian courage and love of challenges makes you a role model to others. Through your courage they find theirs. You are optimistic and believe all obstacles can be overcome. You admire others who display bravery and share your need for freedom and adventure. Indeed you are not likely to spend much time in the company of wimps. Taking role of leader should feel very comfortable to you, but you need to try not to be too domineering.
Moon Sextile or Trine Venus
You have a marvelous gift for letting those you love know how deeply you care for them. Your loved ones are very comfortable around you, because they know that while you ay not agree with them, you do accept them for who they are

Moon Sextile or Trine Jupiter
You are very forgiving and not one to keep count of slights. You enjoy the company of others and do your best to make those around feel comfortable and wanted. People like you for the sincerity of your warmth and the fact that things just seem to turn out for the best when they are around you.

Moon Sextile or Trine Saturn
You can be relied on to keep your wits about you when in the midst of a crisis. While others are frozen by events you will manage to come up with a plan to overcome the current crisis. You tend to keep your true feelings to yourself, which often makes others question the depth of your feelings.

Moon Sextile or Trine Neptune
Chaos and confusion upset you terribly. Where others might see opportunity in upheaval you see despair. You have a need to live in a peaceful setting insulated from the harsher elements of our world.

Moon Opposition or Square Pluto
Your romantic relationships are marked by such a large outpouring of emotion and passion that they may actually scare your partner. Love always has a sense of urgency for you. It is practically impossible for you to just let things happen and enjoy the ride.

Mercury In Gemini
The position of Mercury on your chart will give you insight into how you communicate with others and learn.

You are inherently curious about everything around you. You love anything that challenges you mentally. However, you are bit of an intellectual gypsy, and rarely stay with any one subject long enough to fully understand it. Subjects simply grow stale very fast for you, and the next subject is a lure you cannot resist.

You learn very quickly and have the ability to see why things are the way they are and sometimes where they are going in the future. Indeed your intellectual powers are so strong you may be a bit of a visionary.
Mercury Sextile or Trine Mars
You love a dynamic conversation or heated debate. Your talent for speaking might make you an excellent attorney or advocate for a cause. You are very persuasive and sometimes able to sway even the most stubborn of people.

Venus In Gemini
Where Venus appears on your chart will provide you with information on how you relate to others on an emotional level.

You are not the type to settle down with one person quickly. You like to "play the proverbial field." You love to flirt. When you do enter a relationship your need for friendship and intellectual stimulus from your partner equals or even surpasses your need for love.

You are a deep well of emotional and sexual energy, and may well share your energies with more than one person at a time. You like new experiences and variety in your relationships. Unfortunately your need to rove may hurt those who get involved with you.
Venus Opposition or Square Jupiter
You make are very giving friend and lover. What"s yours is available to all. Generally your relationships tend to be easy going and successful. Your warm nature and willingness to make allowances for the needs of others makes you a charm to be around. Ideally you will settle with someone who give you a good deal of personal freedom.

Venus Conjunct Saturn
You are not very comfortable with deep emotional relationships. For you, the depth of feeling of those who show an interest in you is always suspect. Your lack of self-confidence makes you question your worthiness to be loved.

Venus Sextile or Trine Uranus
Your attitude towards love may be a bit unorthodox. You need a great deal of emotional and physical freedom. You're capable of great depth of feeling but unable to sustain it over the long haul. You love the initial passion that flows with a new love. Security and the comfort of a long term traditional relationship probably bore you.

Venus Opposition or Square Neptune
You are the consummate romantic, and have a mental model of the perfect lover. Unfortunately there are no people in the real world who can match your dream mate, and this can cause problems. There are no perfect lovers—not even you!

Mars In Aquarius
Mars is the planet of action. Its placement on your chart will indicate your level of aggression and competitiveness.

Being very social makes you ideal for goals requiring teamwork. You like to work with others towards goals that benefit all. You don't need to be the boss or even high up in the group hierarchy, but you do need to see some results come from your efforts.

You are attracted to projects that benefit the masses. Helping right social injustices is a perfect goal for you. You enjoy exploring new technologies and implementing novel approaches to problems—especially if the ultimate goal of these technologies and new ideas is to help people.

Jupiter In Scorpio
Jupiter deals with where the Universe is definitely on your side.

You desire to see things as they actually are. You are never satisfied with the short definition of anything. You are fearless when it comes to exploring for the sake of knowledge. You seem to have a vent for understanding things on a cosmic level. You are fascinated by the enigmatic and seek to explore the unknown.
Jupiter Opposition or Square Saturn
You may find it difficult to balance your idealistic ambitions with your realistic view of the world. Setbacks frustrate you so much that they sometimes make you abandon projects.

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune
Your see the endless possibilities life has put before you and want to explore them. Because you spend so much time in your inner world, your notion of reality may be quite different than that of most. You tend to think in very large, even cosmic terms.

Jupiter Sextile or Trine Pluto
You tend to see things on a large scale. You’re motivated to effect society as a whole. Success in your endeavors should be substantial.

Saturn In Taurus
Saturn probes our sense of inadequacy. Where Saturn is on your chart will provide a key to where you feel your weakest.

It is likely you find your material assets to have far more value than they do, or little or no value at all. Physically it is possible you are driven by your sensuality or completely ignore your physical needs. In short, you tend to have extreme positions when it comes to dealing with the physical world.
Saturn Opposition or Square Neptune
It is very difficult for you to create a bridge between your ideal world and reality. You are spiritual by nature and don’t understand how there can be so much room for evil and injustice in the world.

Saturn Sextile or Trine Pluto
You are motivated by causes and righting wrongs. You can be absolutely selfless when it comes to fighting injustice. Your focus and resolve is so strong it may scare others away, but you always seem to have a positive impact on things.

Uranus In Libra
Because of distance Uranus is from the Sun, its astrological influence is measured in increments of 7 years. What this means is that the effects of Uranus influence an entire generation. The placement of Uranus on your chart denotes an area where you can expect the unexpected from the Universe and yourself.

Because of distance Uranus is from the Sun, its astrological influence is measured in increments of 7 years. What this means is that the effects of Uranus influence and entire generation.

Your generation is noted by its efforts to change the way traditional family relationships are defined. You tend to see all family members as equals. You desire to create relationships based less on possession and hierarchy and more on autonomy and parity.

Neptune In Sagittarius
Because of distance Neptune is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments of 14 years. What this means is that the effects of Neptune will influence an entire generation in a like manner. Neptune is the Astrological Wildcard. The area in which Neptune appears on your chart is a place where there are no rules. Anything can happen.

You are member of a generation of dreamers and purveyors of the future. You and your contemporaries are very broad-minded and thrive on new forms of spirituality. Traditional religions are far too dogmatic to serve you well, so you are very likely to explore alternative routes to find your spiritual self.
Neptune Trine Pluto
You were born in a period when there was an underlying current of spiritual awareness prevailed. Collectively your generation has a desire to increase the depths of their spiritual self.

Pluto In Virgo

Because of the distance Pluto is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments ranging from 12 to 30 years. What this means is that the effects of Pluto influence an entire generations.

The Pluto/Leo collective includes people born within a 15 year time span. The underlying focus of people effected by this astrological influence is the creating of a well defined, unbiased sense of right and wrong. They are intensely aware of the cruelties suffered by others and desire to see them cease. In that vein, much of their energy is spent righting wrongs and promoting a basic social ethic that protects all from malice.

While you do make a difference in the war against injustice, your inability to compromise does hamper the progress you strive for. Your group has an all or nothing attitude, and sometimes the end result of your efforts is nothing.

More About Gemini
Famous Gemini:
H.R.H. Philip (Duke of Edinburgh), Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Bob Hope, John F Kennedy, Walt Whitman, Al Jolson, Bob Dylan, Thomas Hardy, Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Stravinsky, Confucius, Kirk Kerkorian and Paul McCartney
Ideal Occupations:
Geminis are well-suited to be explorers, writers, merchants, translators, publicists or talk show hosts.

Lucky Numbers: 3, 12, 21, 30, 48, 47

Gemini Are Usually Most Compatible With: Libra, Aquarius, or Gemini

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Star Stone: Emerald

Pacs long ass natal chart. I was curious.
What website u use for that curious pls n Ty


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
of course they are

throw a suit on him and put him on wall st...and u got ever black women dream man