That's exactly what I'm saying. The dollar lost value. That's why it took more of it to buy the same amount of gold you could 3 years ago.
So you think inflation is not going to continue......Look at a history book.
not trying to be combatative
i agree with you the petro$ will be extinct very soon.
which is the only reason the usa has had our standard
the writing is on the wall. "the great reset" is truth
where to put your $ is a mystery imo hrre in usa. the push globally from petro$ is a clear indication of the emise of the papper USA economy (backed by nothing)
u see what i see can tell you understand the global impacts of the death of the petro$
how can we here in usa prosper after the shift is a question with no answers . we done son.
the world doesnt revolve around our monoply on petro$