shyt reminded me of the leprechaun 

Yes. That is one of the most scariest ones. I remember watching it with my friend when we were like 8 and we were both
I don't remember many of them but the one with the old lady saying u promised is the one I remember the most.
I was always a fan of horror movies and shows as a kid. I still am.
Are You Afraid Of The Dark was one of my favorite shows but I never found it to be very scary (apart from a few episodes)
I always preferred Tales From The Crypt or Tales From The Darkside. A lot scarier to me but then again those shows were meant for adults.
U guys also remember the Goosebumps books by R.L. Stein? I had a shyt load of those. They weren't very scary but pretty entertaining for the most part.
I remember them goosebumps books. they was pretty dope, had the "choose your own adventure" ones too. i had one about a camp and the camp leaders were crazy and they killed a kid during a baseball game and shyt. them books was crazy.
Camp Jelly Jam I dont think they killed that kid just hit him so hard in the head with a baseball it knocked him retarded