Are you a leader or a boss?


I never see my nut
May 2, 2012
I had an interesting date last night with a LCSW. She was evaluating me for awhile now and she has formed her opinions about me. One of which I took offense to. I already know imma functional sociopath, however I took offense to her saying I'm not a leader and said I was more of a boss. To me I would think a 'leader' characteristic is more favorable and something you strive to be. After looking at the differences between a leader and a boss (spoiler) , I concurred that I am a boss. I could give 2 flying fukks about developing you, emotionally dealing wit you, and basically of the mindset "fukk you pay me or fukk your feelings, where is my work assignment I gave you. I don't stutter and I hold you accountable. Which are you?
Boss vs Leader: 12 Defining Characteristics of a Leader

Are you a leader or a boss? Intelivate simplifies the leader versus boss debate into twelve pictures that define the critical characteristics of a leader.

After working with thousands of leaders, these are the 12 greatest delineating characteristics of a leader in the leader versus boss debate. Let’s do this.

12. Leaders Focus on Sustainable Solutions – Not Quick Fixes.
A boss will teach you what to do. A leader will show you how and why to do it.

A focus on the why is one of the most critical leadership approaches because it makes learning sustainable and transferable to other situations. Sustainable learning and self-reliance are huge deterrents of toxic leadership and micromanaging.

Boss vs Leader: One of the key characteristics of a leader is to teach.

11. Leaders Have a High Emotional Quotient.
A boss is a subject matter expert. A leader is an emotional and people expert. Great leaders are very sensitive, albeit not emotional which is why they have fantastic strategies for conflict resolution in teams.

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There is a difference. Sensitive is how in tune you are with feelings. Emotional is your reaction to those feelings or a situation. Although we can’t control our feelings, we can certainly control our reaction to those feelings which is our emotional display.

Leader versus boss: Leaders are people experts. Bosses are SMEs.

10. Leaders Want You to Feel Successful.
Bosses need you to perform well for their success. A leader wants you to feel successful even if you failed.

One of the incredible characteristics of a leader is linking individual success to the success of those they lead. If those people do not succeed, the leaders have failed in both their minds – and hearts.

Boss vs Leader: One of the characteristics of a leader is making you feel – and be – successful.

9. Leaders Build Self-Accountability.
A boss holds you accountable. A leader grows the confidence and passion from within you to build self-accountability.

It is an incredible process to watch unfold and supports sustainable success all around. This is one the many differences between leadership and management.

Boss vs Leader: Leaders build an inner desire to hold yourself accountable.

8. A Leader Measures Success Differently Than a Boss.
Bosses determine their success by a title position or hierarchy in the business. A leader – especially a born leader – influences anywhere and everywhere.

Leaders define their success by the passion and impact of the people they influence. This is why I believe great leaders are born.

One of the delineating characteristics of a leader is how success is measured.

7. Bosses Depend on Authority. Leaders Depend on Influence.
One of the biggest delineators of the boss vs leader is authority dependency. A boss depends on positional power to have an impact. Leadership influence in not dependent on power or position.

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Some of the most fantastic leaders I have encountered had no authority over the people they influenced.

Leader vs Boss: A leader does not need the power to control.

6. Leaders Focus on What’s Right.
A boss focuses on what is right now – putting out the daily fires. A leader stays focused on doing what is right.

Out of all the characteristics of a leader, the ability to force your decisions past the chaos at the moment is the difference between success and failure.

Characteristics of a Leader: Do what’s right, not what’s right now.

5. Leaders Operate by Their Legacies. Bosses Operate By Their Competition.
A boss focuses decisions on the competition. Leaders stay aware of their competition but operate with a legacy definition in mind. This also supports not making potentially bad decisions at the moment and focusing on the future.

Have you ever noticed an Olympian swimmer? The swimmer on either side is not their focus. Their focus stays on what they need to do to nail their legacy – winning the gold.

Boss vs Leader – A leader understands the competition but operates with a legacy in mind.

4. Leaders are Motivated by Passion and Purpose. Bosses are Driven by Fear.
Bosses – and bad leaders – are driven by fear and reaction. A leader stays driven by passion and purpose – even during the challenging times of business change and transformation.

Boss vs Leader: One of the characteristics of a leader is a drive for passion and purpose – always.

3. Leaders Want You to Be More Successful Than They Are. A Boss Always Wants to Be the Boss.
This is a HUGE definer of a boss vs leader. A boss always wants to stay your boss. A leader – much like a parent – wants you to do better.

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A leader would proudly build you to ‘the boss’ and build your career progression plan to make it a reality.

Leader vs Boss: A boss always wants to be – your boss.

2. Leaders Get Joy From Others’ Successes.
No – I am not talking about Janet Jackson. A boss gets pleasure from being recognized for doing a great job. Leaders get pleasure out of seeing others rewarded for the fantastic results of their passion.

Imagine living in a world where everyone had the same pleasure principle as a leader. Amazing.

Leader versus Boss: Getting joy and being motivated by the success of others – that is one of the supporting characteristics of a leader.

1. Leaders Build Your Confidence. Bosses Build Your Fear.
Bosses keep you wondering or in fear just enough so that you tell them what they want to hear. At the least, bosses condition you not to say what they do not want to hear. This is why bosses don’t need a conflict management strategy – they just expect for everyone to agree with them.

Leaders build your confidence and trust so you will tell them what they need to hear. They know leadership and trust are necessary to be influential.

It may not be fun, but getting the full picture – the good and the bad – and being objective about it is one of the characteristics of a leader that fosters continuous growth, happiness, and success.


Jun 23, 2012
Looking at it, I have a leadership mindset, where I care about about people and their development, but my overall actions are more boss like. I’m also still very immature and impatient, which makes it difficult to be a leader. I’d much rather be a leader than a boss.


Top 75 All-Time
May 23, 2012
Stagnant. You'll never grow.

Sounds like you're either a dope boy or a temp working in a warehouse.

Next year I’ll be a six figgie niggie.

At a certain age you stop giving a fukk about people and only worry about yourself and immediate family. Makes life less stressful. Stop trying to be a leader or a boss and do you.