Was Alicia angry because Eva is trying to be on good terms with her?
She was wasted and loves the drama. She started looking at Paige crazy as soon as she said she and Eva talked things out.
Also can we talk about how creepy Carano is in general and his role in the company? He only deals w/ the Divas and they always present it like some weird combination of Charlie talking to the Angels and the principal-student intro scene of a bad porno. What was with him literally holding the new girls's hand and w/ his arms around her during her big introduction?

I'm surprised he didn't have her sit on his lap while he went on about the "unique talents" she can add to the roster.
The Bellas of course play into the whole thing too with their "Are we in trouble? Uh oh, have we been bad, Mr. Carano?" routine

Acting like frisky schoolgirls while both on the other side of 30. Literally whining and slap fighting in his office seconds after he tells them they're the female faces of a billion dollar company and in talks to be spokeswomen/ambassadors to another billion dollar company.
Chock it all up to more carny culture, I guess.