Eva is starting to remind me of her dad for some reason.
The way she talks and even she's starting to look like him to me.
Cena told her on the first date what he was about. She chose to go along for the ride. Him doing the "right" thing is doing EXACTLY what he told her he was going to do in the first place. Don't know why women are always trying to change a man. If a dude tells you who he is . . believe him.
Also, there is nobody more prominent in their business than John Cena. Other than snagging Vince McMahon who else could Nikki get in their business who's a bigger trophy? Being with Cena has helped her career in every way. She's got a big fat storyline that has put her over. She's on TV every week thanks to her and her sister snagging the two biggest stars in the company. Hell, this show was invented solely to give the Bella twins an outl.et to get over.
Yeah, she could date a dude in the NBA or a Hollywood movie star, but that wouldn't help her career as much as being with Cena has. She'd either have to quit the WWE and solely be a trophy wife or never see her husband at all due to the rigors of the road.