Are We Headed Into A Boom In Pro Wrestling By 2021?

Homeboy Runny-Ray

From Around The Way
May 2, 2012
Classic Niccas
This is what I mean by grasping at straws
When youre trying to discredit Austin, its not his numbers even though he’s main eventing
When youre trying to up Hogan, then nah he was never anything less than the top guy his whole career
Even tho WWF beat WCW we are gonna really sit here and pretend Goldberg was bigger than Austin just cause some people said so at the time
I know Hogan well, im 30 now but i watched since i was 2 and saw tapes of the 80s stuff in the 90s plus youtube/p2p throughout the last 20 years
I know what Hogan did, even in the ruthless aggression era
But none of that has anything to do with my original point, which is just that Austin embodied the feel of his era more than anyone before or after and took the wwf to a level it wouldn’t have reached
I understand the reasons why you dont think im right but I disagree

so basically Hogan wasn't even in the WWF by the time you were cognizant. no offense, but watching tapes doesn't give you the full grasp of things when you start arguing about money & such.

also, '80s WWF was bigger than the attitude era, so I don't see how you can come to the conclusion that Austin took the WWF to new levels.

and im not discrediting austin. just putting some much-needed perspective behind those numbers.

as for Goldberg, I was talking about '98. the WWF didn't pull away from WCW until '99.

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
We could be heading for another boom. When it will happen not sure, could even be later than than but the competition will make both step up. AEW are showing signs they have potential to actually be competition quality wise and WWE will probably pull out all stops it AEW start to bridge the gap a bit more. Wouldn't be surprised to see them try and do some bit things, wouldn't be surprised to see Taker vs Sting. Talks of an Edge return already, bringing in some celebs to do some shyt. Better storylines and characters, it will force them not to be so lazy cause their slackness would just bring AEW even more fans. When they disapoint wrestling fans will want that alternative. I'm down for watching both if the shyts good.