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This is acceptable
all of yall youngins are soft as the cotton in the V-necks yall rock.
NO V neck shirt that shows a man's CLEAVAGE is okay. thats to low of a V for a MAN. just because its "IN" dont make it hetero look. there's a lot of borderline at best stuff out that yall rockin right now. recognize it before its to late. that agenda is getting to yall and yall dont even know it. as long as your favorite artist rocks it, you will too. no matter how questionable it looks.
at a Vneck where the V is down to your sternum loose fit or tight. doesnt matter.
thats a women's shirt/blouse. they have that V to show the cleavage.
see a lot of yall are to young to realize that the non heteros were rocking the low V's loose fit and tight 10 years ago. that was their style. NEVERRRR. i mean NEVERRRR. inherit a style from a non hetero unless you're a non hetero yourself.
^^thats who the low V's are for. WOMEN> not dudes.
and again
^^thats who its for. NOT YOU FELLAS
and again
^^^NOT FOR YOU fellas. low vnecks are for women.
dont let some dumb chick tell you"i like guys in low vnecks. its sexy" dont listen to her. its not sexy. its non hetero. so if thats what turns some chick on. something is wrong with her. dont non hetero yourself out, just to get a chick.