Fill us in....I like to hear first hand stories.
Ok. Once I was standing in line at the grocery store to make my purchases. A handsome young black guy behind me complimented me and I thanked him. We exchanged no more words after that. There were two light skinned black girls in front of me, probably sisters. They were both decent looking. One of whom looked back at me and I of course smiled because I'm pretty friendly regardless. She just stared at me then whispered something to the other girl and the other girl burst out in abrupt forced laughter. They finished up and I was next in line. As I'm getting my things rung up I see the other girls grab their bags and I hear one say to the other, "please, I wish she would. I'd take her man any day. Black bytch" and then as they were making their exit, they looked back at me again and laughed once more. Now they could have been talking about anyone, but it really felt like it was aimed at me.
This was one of many examples I've dealt with from people of a lighter hue than myself.