Religion is more poetry than science, but good religion is scientific.
G-d is not elsewhere. You're inside of G-d. You're made of G-d. The substance and consciousness of the cosmos.
In that sense we are the most G-dlike beings in existence. In a provable scientific sense.
But literally everything is G-d. The cells in your body are all "you". And they are always where "you" are.
What it really means is that your mind is connected with all consciousness. And also we have ability to manifest our thoughts into the physical. In mundane ways like engineering and in more esoteric ways like achieving success against slim odds.
It's a sound philosophy. It's just contradictory to some Western ideas of religion. Where the human is an absolute wretch who must beg for forgiveness... for just existing..?
G-d is not elsewhere. You're inside of G-d. You're made of G-d. The substance and consciousness of the cosmos.
In that sense we are the most G-dlike beings in existence. In a provable scientific sense.
But literally everything is G-d. The cells in your body are all "you". And they are always where "you" are.
What it really means is that your mind is connected with all consciousness. And also we have ability to manifest our thoughts into the physical. In mundane ways like engineering and in more esoteric ways like achieving success against slim odds.
It's a sound philosophy. It's just contradictory to some Western ideas of religion. Where the human is an absolute wretch who must beg for forgiveness... for just existing..?