At the end of the day, all y'all nikkas wack off to shyt in JBO
*Looks at onlyfans thread*
All y'all need Jesus.

*Looks at onlyfans thread*
All y'all need Jesus.

Exlurkernegro said:I believe ther is or was a creator of the universe, but not the Christian God.
Do you even know what the Trinity is? Do you know what the Koran says about the Trinity compared to the Bible?
You're not even qualified to participate in this discussion.
By the way, Satan always wanted to be God and that’s why your Jesus says he is God. He’s Satan himself, the son of the Morning claiming to be God himself and is leading so many people off a cliff through deception.
Tammuz/Semiramis - Before the Nicene creed there were tons of religious sects in Rome. With the creed, "Christianity" a mixture of current roman sun worship, virgin goddess myth with Jewish new testament doctrine was establishedThey worship the same God, this isn’t even up for dispute. The God the Jews worship is the God the Muslims & Christians worship.
Christians will deny it but Muslims are quite open with saying that they worship the God of Israel aka the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
Muslims disagree with Christians about assigning a ‘partner’ to God in the form of Jesus but that’s it. They don’t think God the Father is a different God.
In the case of Jews both they & Muslims believe in the strict oneness of God. The problem is that Jews do not accept Muhammad or Jesus as prophets.
osiris and Isis story is a hellenized retelling of Nimrod and SemiramisI don't follow Abraham religions despite my name being from the bible.
Left Christianity at age 9. Everytime I question these doctrines, I was met with fear related responses.
Decided to try Islam. Short stint.
Had a stint with Hebrew Israelite.
I decided to do research on my own. A certain youtuber called "Merkabah" revealed a lot of hidden information I never knew about most religions.
I found out most Abrahamic religions have been influenced and borrowed heavily by Ancient Kemet. Including the Hebrew Israelite stuff. Afrikan culture.
I found out that the 10 commandments is a carbon copy of the 42 Laws of Maat.
Found out that concept of Mary & Jesus is a rip off Osiris and Isis of Ancient Kemet.
The concept of praying is indigenous to Afrikan culture.
Found out there isn't any original bible. Only copies of copies. The Deuteronomy 26 curse isn't contained in the previous bibles.
The Year 400 Stela may have to do with that 400 year passage.
Found out the Bible took passages from these early texts
(A Historical List of Ancient Texts That Predate The Bible).
The concept of Satan is based on the planet Saturn and the actual history behind Lucifer. Greek mythology revolving around Kronos.
The original Buddhism was actually Black Afrikan
The earliest form of Afrikan spirituality was related to astronomy/vitalism. Not the superstition of today.
Check this out (Ma'at, the African philosophy)