your making a straw man arguement. if you truly believe that only human beings with certain phenotypical traits are capable of immoral behaviour you arent even beginning to examine the human condition.
rape and murder have existed in cultures long before the proliferation of eastern european ideals in north america.
if you can concede that each human being has free will and is an agent onto himself (not disregarding one's cultural influence) than we can all act immorally. Furthermore an immoral action doesnt have to be as heinous as the ones described earlier... it could be as simple as cheating on a test in uni... or lying to loved ones... the capability is for immoral behaviour is inherent in all human beings.
I agree with everything you posted, I was responding to original post in terms of "Are Black people immoral?" which came off as trying to apply a stereotype and characteristic trait to a certain race of people. The immorality aspect should not be or cannot be pinned down to one race, so basically that was the point I was trying to make, because no, immorality is not a mutual exclusive personality flaw. I tend to take it to the moon when showing the other side of the coin. But I understand what you are saying as well.