I feel the same way but my biggest issue is that it seems like they are re-telling the same stories over and over again but in a different setting each time and call it "new". From their original days as secret spies to the CIA days to the Hollywood agency it felt like they were growing as characters and you learned more about them as the seasons went by.
But ever since Archer went into the coma and we've been having these "dream scenarios" seasons it just been re-tellings of all the old tropes we've seen before (Archer/Barry feud, Archer and Lana constant arguing, Krieger being creepy, Pam being big boned, Cyril being a wuss, Cherl/Carol being batshyt crazy, Mama Archer being Mama Archer, etc)but in a different environment. I still watch because Archer as a character is hilarious to me.... but other than that it feels like they ran out of ideas for the show so they are just being weird just because.... reasons.