Pause. Arabs WERE NOT THE FOUNDERS OF ISLAM... They adopted Islam to unite their bands of wandering tribes just as the Romans adopted Christianity to create the "Holy Roman Empire."
Fukk a pause, just STOP. You're trying too hard and are either blatantly ignoring or legitimately cant even see the contradictions in your own claims. That analogy would make sense if Islam spread its way into Arabia via another ethnic group from a foreign location and a foreign culture as Christianity did as it spread into Europe. But your entire agenda and driving point up until now has been based upon the exact opposite, that Islam and somehow subsequently Arabic culture overtook existing indigenous populations. You just invalidated your own claim.
You're equating Islam with the KKK is proof to me that you're not seriously interested in building here. If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd be able to articulate genuine and legitimate critiques of Islam (which aint hard to do btw) without resorting to something so outlandish.
But then again, you already invoked Hitler in your argument, so your ridiculous metaphor well is probably bone dry by now.