Backlash is next month y'all.
They got a feud matches they can do until Cody gets his redemption… I highly doubt they gonna get Rock to come for that match
Roman vs Randy
Roman vs AJ
Roman vs Lashley
Roman was kinda feuding with Sheamus but did they pull the trigger on that during this bloodline reign?
You could tell with that last solo talk that Jey and Roman had that Jey does not like that man. Jey wants from under Roman's thumb and dropping the tag titles was the first step. Remember it was Jey who accepted the challenge. Recall Sami and Jey were conspiring with a plan to get Jey out of the Bloodline. This story has a lot of gas left in the tank.Been saying this Roman abused and gaslit Jey to the point that Jey forced Jimmy to fall in line. Jimmy at one time was the voice of reason, Jey only turned on Sami to protect Jimmy from Roman.
Line it up then cuz Roman not losing at no damn BacklashBacklash is next month y'all.
That’s what’s wrong with wrestling fans todayThey bytch and complain. Short attention spans.