God Emperor of SOHH
I did not see them in the video, what second did you screencap it at?
i didnt say they were on the video, i was just asking if they look happy to you?
I did not see them in the video, what second did you screencap it at?
i didnt say they were on the video, i was just asking if they look happy to you?
They look happy or smug to me. I frankly don't care about how "White Cubans" feel, whites don't have souls. "White Cubans", are the ones subjugating Afro Cubans, in Cuba. These Cuban Americans really have no bearing on what we are discussing here. Please stay on topic.
how can they have no bearing when you are posting an article from a white cuban american?
which article?
Are two people indicative of a whole group or race?
Yup, same one.
He's admitted he's failed. It's actually in the op.
Cuba is a living hell for blacks.
Apparently you don't stand in solidarity with Afro-Cubans.
I took her article down because it didn't have enough context, it was factually correct. Feel free to check.
You talk about the black internationally community, but you don't understand what it means to be apart of it.
You haven't made sense for a page and a half now and are now throwing the word demon around, I think you better find your meds.
Afro-Cubans face serious hardship, trivializing it is disgusting.
Jay-Z and Beyoncé visited the childrens theater group La Colmenita, where Beyoncé danced with little girls dressed as bumblebees, and met with students and teachers at the Superior Art Institute. Photographs also showed Jay-Z enjoying a Cuban cigar on the balcony of their government-owned hotel, the Saratoga, but the trip also included personal and intimate exchanges. The restaurants where Cubans saw the stars eating were privately owned paladars. Their public cultural outings occurred with an emphasis on interaction with everyday Cubans, not officials.
Miguel Iglesias, the director of the Cuban Contemporary Dance Company, said Beyoncé also went to the company on Friday morning to watch an informal performance. She arrived with her family (her mother was part of the tour group), and half-danced during the show before jumping up at the end with applause, saying the performance was amazing. He said she then talked to the choreographer and to him about the score and the choreography, because it is a piece that was written and choreographed by the company.
that's like blaming obama for black unemployment. why is castro to blame for white cubans being cacs?
no, but good try
Saw you were recently exposed for being a cac as well, I'll add you to my @thekingsmen list
breh you are spreading white cuban devil lies, its disgusting, jay-z went down there to meet with the people and spread love, its the brooklyn way
you on the other hand are demon possessed and are obviously brain washed by white devils that is why you spread their lies, your pawg obsession has obviously addled your brain
its all love, meanwhile 88m3 and his white cuban buddies are spreading hate, its disgusting
There are plenty of first hand accounts and writing by Afro-Cuban authors on the subject. I guess the guy from PBS was white as well?
All you do is propagate failed right wing policies gtfoh you simpleminded b*stard. You're neck and neck up there with hhl4e for the greatest c00n of the coli award.
You're even named after a cac kick rocks.