All Star
A Korean-Spaniard mixed Instagram model in my bed and an extra week before I have to go back to college
You’ll find your queen breh don’t sweat itHaving a wife and children. Was at a wedding this past weekend and was in my feelings. I have a great job that pays really well but it gets old coming home everyday to an empty house.![]()
There are three levels of ill health in my experience and 9/10 it all stems to an event or experience you may or may not fully recollect. Anything linked to the stomach is symbolic of digestion and or being unable to release something toxic. This is often linked to stomach muscles held in a constant spasm that produce lots of symptoms from which Docs pick and choose your problem, saying "This is it!" whilst ignoring the rest.
One of the most notable ones was a girl who had been in an abusive, co-dependent relationship with an ex that met an untimely death and left her in an odd state of ambivalence that manifested as Chrons, IBS, intolerance etc etc... Throw in some LDN, processing, reflection and shifts in awareness of why she was unconsciously repeating the same pattern as her parent and she was fixed. Well, less broken but at least she wasn't bloated, burbling and prone to flatulence after the intervention of introspection with a sprinkle of medication along with intuitive guidance.
Having a wife and children. Was at a wedding this past weekend and was in my feelings. I have a great job that pays really well but it gets old coming home everyday to an empty house.![]()
Free time... 20% with myself, 60% with family, 20% with friends
Starting a family. You think you found the one until they want a second look.
Nah he didn’t find the one. I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t mature enough and I sabotaged it. I’m woman enough to admit it.On the road to riches and diamond rings... Till loneliness kicks in and you wonder why its hurting. Go and get a hobby you enjoy that involves other people as well. Not only will it motivate you'll also exponentially increase your chances of finding someone you vibe with. Actually I'll tag you after I've made a vid about a method a friend used to create his ideal wife out of thin air and it worked amazingly well due to being based on Priming your state of mind to look out for just this as it then picks up on the signals you otherwise might miss.
Most important thing in life is taking time for me. Even if that means you leave work, park the car in the street and go for a stroll along the beach to clear your mind and align your in and outsides. Don't apologize or explain. Simply change the way you play the Game and your team will appreciate the shifts this brings because you are now freer than you've been previously.
In that case you didn't find the one. You simply sold yourself a dream you wanted desperately to believe because if it were truly based on reality then you'd be speaking differently. Its hard to be real in the field of emotion it seems because the influx of opiates and happy feels means the rational mind falls to pieces but the trick is to transcend the DNA aspect and keep it real with yourself as opposed to building castles in the sky then trying to move in because you hear the clock tick and want to share wedding pics on your feed.
Nah he didn’t find the one. I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t mature enough and I sabotaged it. I’m women enough to admit it.
A department store opened in New York City that sold men and a woman decides to visit it in search of a husband. At the store’s entrance, there’s a sign outlining the department store policy.
The first rule states that you can only enter the store once.
There are six floors and on each floor you can choose a husband or elect to move on to the next floor. You cannot visit a floor more than once other than to leave the building. The woman visits the first floor.
The sign reads:
· Men with jobs.
She moves on to the second floor:
· Men with jobs that adore children.
She moves on the the third floor where the sign reads:
· Wealthy men that adore children and are very handsome.
She thinks to herself, "that's a very good deal" yet moves on to the fourth floor:
· Wealthy men that adore children, are very handsome and help with the household chores.
She decides to move on as things are constantly improving:
· Wealthy men that adore childern, are very handsome, help with the household chores and are very romantic.
The woman is about to make her purchase but can't resist moving on to the sixth floor.
There the sign reads:
· You are visitor number 31,456,012 on this floor.
· There are no men here.
· This floor exists as proof that it is impossible to please women.
Opposite this department store, another department store opened that sold women.
The sign on the first floor reads:
· Women that love sex.
On the second floor the sign reads:
· Women that love sex and are wealthy.
On the third floor the sign reads:
· Women that love sex, are wealthy and have great bodies.
Not a single man has visited the fourth floor.
Tis a joke but highlights very well the fundamental differences in the way men and women process life and their relation to it. Women are like the Moon. Men like the Sun. Do the math and the rest falls into place as intended.
Lol. Ok. My issue wasn’t that I wanted more or wasn’t satisfied. I just talked way too much and did way too little listening. But therapyRelax, you ain't the only one and you could say its hardwired into the female of the species as this anecdote illustrates well: