a lot of men would rather see what the cute professional chick about than mess around with women with suspect careers or no career. Takes notes.
a lot of men would rather see what the cute professional chick about than mess around with women with suspect careers or no career. Takes notes.
Everyone has a type, she is not your type. There men who don't find the women you like attractive.This a wack/weird ass thread. It’s not like AOC is even super attractive. She an average looking woman that happens to be a politician. If it is not about her policy agenda, or political strategy I have no interest in her or any other politician. The way people on all sides are obsess with her is crazy to me.
a lot of men would rather see what the cute professional chick about than mess around with women with suspect careers or no career. Takes notes.
Impregnate and mail a family photo postcard to parents with residual nut used as glue for the postage stamp.
Push up bra.