Yeah, comparing PWG (which, ironically, runs on the same type of supercard model that ROH was founded on) and ROH is a bit much, as they're very different promotions.
But honestly, LastEmp has a bit of a point. Not much of one, but there's something to it.
Steen needs to have something interesting done with him real fukking quick or else he's going to get stale as champion. I just don't think he rely on this gimmick for 9 mo. to a year and stay over as any type of fresh babyface.
And as for him as a worker? He's still good, but think about this: He faced Eddie Edwards at Showdown at the Sun and proceeded to have A Match. Not a good or bad or even mediocre match. Just something that was the epitome of Just There. Remember that Eddie isn't some rank amateur bum that can't tell stories or is devoid of workrate. Now think back and ask yourself just how many non-gimmick Steen matches could be called really good since his return as a pregnant man in his third trimester. As a main eventer anywhere (yes, even WWE and TNA), you have to be counted on to put on consistent 20 minute mains and the like. I'm really not sure Steen can do that as he is.
And his look is horrid. Drop at least 20 lbs. and shave a bit. Get some non-gear that looks less dumpy as well.
Can he still work? Yeah, but not as well as before. Can he talk? Extremely well, but we said that about Punk in July as well. Can he keep that quality up? Who knows.
Yes, he absolutely should have been champion by the end of the summer. But I'm just not sure he can keep all of this momentum up.