Anyone in their 30’s wear skinny jeans?


Aug 18, 2014
Now it’s just jokes cause nikkas ain’t agreeing wit your point :stopitslime:

Bruh being honest it’s a ridiculous take and you need to get out of the mind set of “I’m in my 30s so I don’t go there or wear that or do this…” that means you don’t live your life as freely as you want and you let society dictate your actions.

We are already so fukking constrained in the ways we can express ourselves and live our lives due to those societal pressures. Adding unnecessary blockers on how you or certain people should be at a certain age is a mindset that needs to die. Maybe go do some shrooms or some shyt and open your mind. Or maybe you’re too old for that too :francis:
:comeon:I didn’t say my views changed just that it ain’t that serious between me and my homie. We clown on each other all the time, I still stand by the fact that any man of a certain age group wearing skinny jeans is just :mjlol:but you do you big man. I think as you get older you have to adopt a more mature dress style but if you feel otherwise then it’s ok.