I think very deeply
Let me know how it taste and how you prepared it breh
Let me know how it taste and how you prepared it breh
Let me know how it taste and how you prepared it breh
Update: I had some Monday and today with some salmon and vegetables. I didn't prepare it any differently than I do for brown/red rice. I normally just use a rice cooker and put it some sea salt and a little bit olive oil..
While cooking, you can't even see any of the grains of rice since the water and everything is jet black to the point where you wonder if you did something seriously wrong! It does take a lot longer to cook than the other rice and comes out purple like the video said. It looks weird if you're not used to it, but that's not a problem at all. Taste wise, it was a little strange at first (not in a bad way only because it was a first for me), but after a while I started to really like it.
I'll be eating it a lot more often from now on, but my rice preferences are in this order:
1 - Red Rice
2 - Black Rice
3 - Brown Rice
I'll keep looking out for the himalayan pink rice though.