Like I was a fan of Biden or Kamala
Biden was useful for his moment. Remember, he beat out plenty of Dem candidates that were supposed to be on the rise in his first primary for the election he won.
Not sure anyone else could have beat Trump in 2020. Then Biden can't follow thru after getting the nod
Okay. Putting Harris up didn't work.
But who y'all got that would have been able to win?
What we are living thru is the reversal of Civil Rights. The white population is largely done being "fair" to minorities (not just racial. Any group. Women actually outnumber men but they have less power. Of course the LGBTz gonna lose everything maybe including marriage).
Trump is a symbol. A meme. A figurehead. Or more than anything a mascot.
The real force that is moving is white supremacy. She's back and she's pissed off.
Our only chance was, if enough of the total American population was ready to close the door on white supremacy then Trump could never run a Denny's, nevermind the free world.
But united under their mascot, they have said loudly that the time for "equality" is over. The whites want to be able to go to the front of the lunchline, and all you coloreds, foreigners, and faqs better get back. And you bishes too.