Anyone else ever had their iPhone 4/4S power button get stuck?


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
well this happened to me today. I was outside running and all of a sudden, I can't turn my phone back off mid-run to lock it.

so I figure Imma take it to apple and they'll swap it out :obama:. even tho I dont have apple care, I haven't had this phone but for about 10 months, since I already had to swap out my last iphone 4s for a new one cuz the home button stopped working.

so I get in there, and they hit me with the :whoa: this phone is out of warranty, so all we can do is sell u a new one for $200 to replace it. and I tell dude :aicmon: why would I replace a 4s for $200 when I can cop a 5 for $200. I then leave, cuz I"m not buying an iphone 5 and getting in contract when sprint don't even have LTE service here anyways. fukk that shyt.

a quick youtube search once I get home reveals that this problem is rampant, and I can probably fix this easily myself if I get the tools. so after hitting up amazon, I order a set of iphone tools for like $3 and I should be able to fix it.

in the meanwhile, there's also a feature on the phone called assistive touch. it basically allows me to lock and unlock my phone by touching this little white dot that appears when the feature is on. so I'll roll with that for about 4 days til my tools get here and I can fix this phone for real.
Ironically 2 days ago xbox got some new apps. ONe is cNet
Now you can access that via your phone/PC. But on the xbox, one of the top "stories" was how to fix your iphone 4/4s button easily
Maybe you should check that story out on cnet. Might be able to help your cause
It's easy to pull the iPhone apart, my battery was dying and apple wanted like 100 bucks to replace it, craiglist found a china man that sells batteries and screwdrivers
Did it myself

Should have hot up craiglist a chinaman would have fixed it for you easily
So craigslist has been good to a Canadian nikka? :mj:
If you google these parts, they are usually $5/$10 dollars.