Anybody seen "Air"?


All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
I saw it a few days ago. It got high ratings, however I found it more educational than entertaining. I wound up going way out to the AMC Phipps Plaza location, to get away from the negative vibes I get at my normal location. This mall looked like the Jetsons compared to the one I go to. The theater was much less crowded, and they weren't running out of popcorn and snacks, and all the drink fountains kept ice, and it wasn't running out of any drink brand. Plus the sound system was much better. But every other brother working with the concession staff gave off homosexual vibes, even the only White dude. Even the young brother sitting next to me in the theater did, bouncing all around in his chair like he couldn't keep still. I almost confronted him, but I left it alone, as long as he didn't saying anything, or put his hands on me. I think he had a few White gay lovers sitting next to him. I kinda knew this was gonna happen, when on the app, I selected that empty seat on the edge, while the two or three seats next to it were occupied. This has become a way for certain gays to get close to brothers, and see if he's gay too. And it doesn't seem like there's anything you can do about it, but go upside their heads, or find a seat some where you don't really want to sit, or just ignore them as long as they don't go too far. You would think these clowns wouldn't even mess with somebody like that my age. This is what happens when you give them too much power.

This was sometimes an issue with the location I usually go to, but I haven't really experienced that since they reopened after the pandemic. My location did have better looking sisters though, even though I was expecting too see more at this different location. But I don't pay these girls that much mind, because none of them ever wound up sitting next to me. And when they do, they act too weird, or they're older than me, or they don't look too you can't see their bodies until it's too late. It's not much different than seeing them at the mall, except you do get to see their bodies first. But who do you see still tryna pull them at the mall. And if I get too friendly back with one of those young girls working the concession bar, almost the whole staff turn on me, which is the reason I tried a different location for the first time in a while. A week or two ago at my normal location, I had one of those young girls tell me I looked like this particular NFL football player. I jokingly told her I never heard any girls saying that football player was handsome. So I joking told her she could have named somebody better looking, then laughed and went on to my movie. This was a pretty late movie, so it was dark. So after the movie was over, and while I was walking back to my car, which was parked way down the parking lot as usual, I saw a two police cars parked about 15 or twenty 20 yards up from my car. I thought nothing of it. But when I open my car door, one of them set off their siren for a split second, and I knew it was intentional. I had something like this happen to me about 16 years ago, at a park a few miles from my home, when this White female jogger was getting friendlier and friendlier with me every other day. I think she saw that cop messing with me a few days later, and she disappeared completely. This was a White cop. But these were Black cops...smh. Plus I was in a Blacker city this time. This just shows you some of the mentalities they let be cops down here.

Anyway, when I got back to my car that night after the movie, I had this bag of popcorn I had left in my vehicle. So I turned on my dome light, opened the bag, and got down on my popcorn for about 15 minutes. This wasn't to mess with the cops. I was planning to eat this popcorn when I got back to my car. So after I gave them a show, I turned my headlights on. Instead of pulling up and driving pass the front of their cruiser, I back up, and pass the back of their cruiser, where my headlights momentarily shined on them. I didn't plan that either, it just happened that way. These cops need to stop messing with people. You have folks out here already close to the edge because they're doing bad. If they had done this to one of them, it could given them the reason they needed to drive right into their cruiser. This isn't a good time for cops to be harassing people just because they couldn't get the girl they wanted back in high school. They seem to forget sometimes that their lives are more in danger than ours.

At any rate, shyt like this, and those young fools working at the concession bar, who be purposely leaving the bar, or be turning their backs on me when they see me coming, even at the A-List priority line, is why I started having my popcorn and drink in my car in the first place, especially since AMC made it impossible for you to complain about customer service on their app or website, nor do they respond to your twitter complaints. The only reason I didn't eat my snacks in the car before I went into the theater that night, was because I was still full from my dinner I had before I left home. Btw, I be saving $16.29 by not buying their popcorn and drinks anyway, so this works out fine for me in a sense. Plus when you buy your snacks in the theater, you wound up having to watch 25 minutes of previews any how. By that time, you're just about finished with your food. I think that's a part of their plan tbh, because you probably still have weirdos out here, who don't like you eating during the movie anymore, especially if you're alone, and sitting beside them. And they get even more bold if they have a group with them. Now when people sit beside me, they act like they're scared to eat their popcorn...smh, and that's sad because I don't trip like that. Like I said before, if you're tripping like that, why even go to the movies, since you know people been eating popcorn there since they've had theaters. I mean what kind of mindset people be having out here. I hate to say it, but it's usually Black people tripping on other Black people for eating their popcorn beside them.

But there are a few drawbacks to eating your own snacks in your car right before the movie. The only time it really works is if the movie is good. If the movie is boring, or turning you off, you can't munch out on your popcorn, and say you've at least enjoyed your snacks. That feeling of having some fresh popcorn, and sipping on a cold drink, is a big part of what made going to the movies enjoyable in the first place, just like you see in the last preview before the movie starts. To try and fill that gap, you have to fill up on your snacks in the car, so you won't feel like you need them during the movie. The problem with that is, sometime it doesn't feel to pleasant getting out your car, and walking up to the theater with your stomach ready to burst, than having to walk up all those steps in the auditorium to get to the back row, where I usually sit. Sometimes, these things can cut out half the joy from going to the movies, making it make more and more sense to just get a big bag of popcorn, and a big gulp, stream the movie, and enjoy the movie on your surround-sound, like so many others do anyway. It's gotten to the point I don't even feel safe going to the movies at my location, especially with the cops acting stupid because you spoke back to a young girl, and with the staff at the concession bar acting weird, provoking you to respond, so security, or the cops, can have a reason to respond to you. Plus these movies aren't all that hot lately. I mean they're ok I guess. but some of them are hit and miss, and just good enough to get you outta the house. Lastly, you don't have to worry about sitting beside some gay dude and his friends, testing to see if you're gay like them, or you don't have to worry about sitting beside some weirdo catching an attitude because you're eating your popcorn, or both.

Anyway, like I said, the move was more educational and informational, and more about a shoe. If you're excepting a movie based on Michael Jordan's life, or how he grew up, etc..., then you may want to pass on this.
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All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
When I think about this movie, it did have some funny moments here and there, and it reminded me a little of how we use to joke with one another. You joke like that now, people will think you and your buddy are gay, and I'm not even talking about the gay taunts they would say to each other sometimes...I don't know if they even do that anymore, except on the internet. Anyway, you'll have to see this film to know what I mean, and if you were around during that time, you'll really see what I mean. When I saw the cars they were driving, and the songs that were out, you couldn't help but have a feeling of nostalgia here and there. But that dude sitting next to me, who kept acting like he couldn't help from bouncing around in his seat (you know you can feel your seat being touched a little when they bounce around too hard), did make it a little more difficult for me to enjoy the movie, even though I had my popcorn and drink this

But I still don't think I'd care to see it again, regardless. I mean if a movie gonna take me back in the day, I'd enjoy it more if it were a Black movie, and not just based on their shoe, with a few White men making big decisions. I mean the characters that played Michael's parents had more roles in this movie than the guy who played Michael did, who probable said no more than two or three words in the entire movie, one you couldn't even see his face, because it was over the phone.
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All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
Yall really be expecting folks to read these dissertations yall be typing especially in this short attention span era:dwillhuh:


All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
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