one of these is a woman see if you can guess which
Well i know robert, so its either left or right

one of these is a woman see if you can guess which
this is what u dudes cosigning banging giants would look like next to these unnatural colossi:
I guarantee she doesn't get her period.
Raymond, a former Marine and a retired deputy sheriff, is 6-2, and Brittney's mother, Sandra, a cosmetologist at Lone Star College, is 5-8
A recent doctor's visit confirmed that her height was not caused by a pituitary gland condition. According to a physician's estimate, Griner likely will continue growing and could end up 6-9 or 6-10
When such a gene is defective, the indifferent gonads fail to differentiate into testes in an XY (genetically male) fetus. Without testes, no testosterone or antimüllerian hormone (AMH) is produced. Without testosterone, the external genitalia fail to virilize, resulting in normal female genitalia, and the wolffian ducts fail to develop, so no internal male organs are formed. Without AMH, the Müllerian ducts develop into normal internal female organs (uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, vagina).
Due to the inability of the streak gonads to produce sex hormones (both estrogens and androgens), most of the secondary sex characteristics do not develop. This is especially true of estrogenic changes such as breast development, widening of the pelvis and hips, and menstrual periods. As the adrenal glands can make limited amounts of androgens and are not affected by this syndrome, most of these persons will develop pubic hair, though it often remains sparse.
Most individuals with Swyer syndrome do not experience any outward symptoms until their early teens when they fail to begin having a period (primary amenorrhea). At this point, it is usually discovered that these girls lack ovaries and, therefore, do not have sex hormones (estrogen or progesterone) that are required to undergo puberty.
Women with Swyer syndrome may be tall and often have a small uterus and a slightly enlarged clitoris in comparison to most women. Because women with Swyer syndrome lack ovaries, they are infertile.
Why they had to do my mans like that though.
the people saying they'd smash have prolly never heard her voice. she sounds like michael clarke duncan(rip).
no thanks![]()
i dont think she can get her period and i dont think she has ever went through puberty. a lot say that she looks like a man, but actually she has zero secondary sex characteristics (things like facial and body hair, underarm hair, breast development, widening of the pelvis, etc). in reality she actually has the body of a pre pubescent, pre teen boy.
the fundamental question regarding griner is why cant her body create any secondary sex characteristics. there are a few reasons for that and all of them have to do with abnormalities in hormone production in the body; specifically in the testes or ovaries.
in the case of her height, it isnt hereditary (father is 6'2 mother is 5'8) or a result of a pituitary disorder:
RivalsHigh - Griner named nation's no. 1 player
estrogen is involved in sealing off the epiphyseal plates (the ends of our bones) during puberty. higher levels of estrogen will cause the epiphyseal plates to seal faster as is in the case of normal girls. however with an extreme lack or an inability to produce estrogen this process wont occur, explaining the extreme length of her arms and legs etc.
an inability to produce estrogen points to some kind of problem or absence of the ovaries which produce it. there are a few variations of xx male and xy female disorders of this that would cause that but the most consistent to all of griner's characteristics that i could link to her is swyer syndrome. people with swyer syndrome are genetically men but because of a gene mutation they lack an ability to effectively produce androgens so their genitals default into a vagina
XY gonadal dysgenesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
people with swyer syndrome also tend to possess above average height and manly features since they are originally genetically men to begin with
picture of a person with swyer syndrome for comparison
I knew something had to be wrong since Skylar isnt that tall