Might be ankle flexibility. Tuesday is legs, so I'll look into it. Maybe have my lady record a set of squats to see how deep I'm getting.I've been doing pistols a couple months now and worked up from not being able to do 1 to do 4 sets of 5. My legs have definitely gotten bigger. I'm probably gonna try to put in some explosive sets. & Yea ankle flexibility might be an issue if you can't squat down without your heal coming off the ground. Balance is also a huge factor in doing pistols. My left leg is stronger than my right but I can do more with my right bc i have better balance with it.
I defintely can't do planches or levers yet, I'm just working my way up to them.
I haven't worked out consistently the past year so my results are stunted. At the start of the summer, I could do about 8 pullups & now I can do about 15 and i'm gonna start doing them weighted. I see definite growth in my biceps & my back is really starting to get cut up. I feel like i have the most growth in my traps & shoulders (from pushup variations). I'm getting a lot of people saying I'm looking good or asking if I'm working out if i haven't seen them in awhile.
You can easily get good results with a bodyweight only routine if you're consistent with it. I would suggest to only do an exercise to failure once in awhile. You'll be able to go hard nearly everyday and when you do actually go to failure, you'll see real results in what you can do.
Pull ups are definitely a weak spot for me. I can do about 6 clean reps. I need to add more sets. I do as much row & lower back exercises as pull ups. Obviously not enough pull ups. And I was doing only chin ups when I started because I could barely do pull ups.
I've been consistent, for 6 weeks any way. I even worked out during a Miami vacation, missing only one day.
How bad of an idea is to go to failure frequently. The last few sets for a muscle group get tough and I end up going to failure for those. Especially pull ups.