I left my barber, and then my new barber fukked around and moved to his shopfukk No. that’s a major violation , I have about three different barbers at different shops for that reason.
I left my barber, and then my new barber fukked around and moved to his shopfukk No. that’s a major violation , I have about three different barbers at different shops for that reason.
I was just watching this episode last night. It still holds up.
I had to go to a different barber when mine was on vacation. I’m realizing I like his cuts more than my barber. Can I switch, or is that an unwritten rule?
I have an appointment with the current barber today, only because the new one went on vacation. But he’s about to get surprised in two weeks when I come back. I even asked which days he’s there, and he said everyday. I was going to lie and say I got a new job, and I can’t come the days he’s at least tell the old barber you switching if you stay at the same shop otherwise it’d be worse than ghosting cause they still seeing you on a regular basis
breh bout to sit there getting a cut and stare at the old barber like the whole time