Whitty Hutton
these posters are TRASH
I always wonder what it feels like to go through that long wait, get a chance to get your well thought out point across, and then the hosts dead you in mid sentence as you talk to dead air. Dudes call in with the most outrageous opinions or ideas regarding their team and get hit with the
and *click*
The funniest to me is the dudes that call in thinking they gonna get LOLs from the hosts and flop
Hosts: "Let's take a call from Mike Mike from Virginia Beach. What's up Mike Mike?"
Mike: "Hey! I think it's time to start fining these other teams for beating up on the Eagles every week, Give them penalties during the game for roughing up an endangered species!
Hosts: "Yeah, we're here Mike"

The funniest to me is the dudes that call in thinking they gonna get LOLs from the hosts and flop
Hosts: "Let's take a call from Mike Mike from Virginia Beach. What's up Mike Mike?"
Mike: "Hey! I think it's time to start fining these other teams for beating up on the Eagles every week, Give them penalties during the game for roughing up an endangered species!

Hosts: "Yeah, we're here Mike"