a good day to die hard which was only an hour and a half and it definitely suffered because of it.
You're really not gonna watch Pixar piff because it's 90 minutes?
fukkin stupid.
AGDTDH suffered because JOHN fukkIN MCCLANE played backseat in a series HE made. I don't remember if there was less action, but if I'm right then that too.
Certain movie genres make me just gowhen I see it's a 2-hour+ movie. Comedies, Horror, Action B movies, indie, & Etc.
I think a comedy should be about 100 minutes..hour 40, then end it. I think an action b movie actually can be 2 hours and be fine but it depends on who's directing it
So we really need Jason Staham movies or Luc Besson-produced action moves (i.e. "Taken" series, "The Transporter" series, "Lucy", "Brick Mansions", "3 Days to Kill", "The Family", "Lockout", "Colombiana", & etc.) to be 2+ hours?
They fukked that flick up with wack characters and hardly no godzilla. A two hour godzilla should have worked. Especially after those classic teaser trailers.Godzilla was 2 hours long. At least 45 minutes of it was boring filler. If they would've cut some of that out and kept it at a respectable 1 hour 30 minutes, it would've been perfect.
Some movies need the time to tell the story and I don't care how long it takes.
Some movies pad out the time to hit the 2 hour mark and it turns into Godzilla, there's too much downtime to start criticizing in my head and focusing on flaws I would've otherwise overlooked.
They fukked that flick up with wack characters and hardly no godzilla. A two hour godzilla should have worked. Especially after those classic teaser trailers.