It's a rap song breh. I think it was a group. It was males, not females.Was it a male or female singing?
It's a rap song breh. I think it was a group. It was males, not females.Was it a male or female singing?
Shazam, helped me with this.
I've got this one song stuck in my head. It's a hip hop song. I can remember the video too. There was rain. Driving in a car and a phone booth.
For the lyrics, I remember something about nuns and nose bones.
Help me out brehs.
I got this joint stuck in my head from when I was probably between 5-8.
Which is late 80's, early 90's.
It's a joint from a woman singing a song and that's all I know. I think it was a love song too.
And I was living in Europe at the time (Amsterdam)
Couple joints I taped off the radio back in the day but never had no idea who they were
One was a song around 97 by some dude that sounded like Ghost. The hook he said something like It's real in the battlefield...that's all i got
A song from around the same time from a group, only lyric I remember is "I only got a few friends and I don't even trust them"
A song from around 2001, a group with dudes and a girl over a Timbaland beat. The hook they were saying "I belieeeeeve I can" and rapping about all the amazing things they believed they could do. "I can make a nun freak".....
middle one sounds like "You're a clown" by the beatnuts
edit: nvm its "Let off a couple" by the beatnuts
Remember staying up late night and watching some random ass horror movie and had this song stuck in my head for the longest.
Found it recently...sorta wish I didn't, though.
There's this other song I used to see on VH1 alot back in the day. Some white dude was walking around on a street while the band played and watched him. Look like some strung out Wallstreet type dude. Dude was butting into people and they were cursing him out. He climbed up on a Fire escape or some shyt to go jump, then for some reason he had a change of heart and decided to throw all his money to the homeless and less fortunate or some shyt..........lead singer had a beard...looked like default white Jesus. I'd want to say the name of the band was Nazareth...but I've since combed through their work. Eh.