I also believe the better looking you are the more game you gotta deal withBest to assume all will be on that type of time with some exceptions
feels like no women trust a playboy off top and they shouldn't
I also believe the better looking you are the more game you gotta deal withBest to assume all will be on that type of time with some exceptions
I also believe the better looking you are the more game you gotta deal with
feels like no women trust a playboy off top and they shouldn't
they can be less dramatic
they usually don't have to fight as much so it's easier to be sweet when life is favoring you & bending to your will
when a woman likes you for real she will make it easy on you whether she's a real.beauty or a uggamugga
we on the same page hereContrary to popular belief the finer women don't really get approached as much dudes really just gawk over them from a distance and make a bunch of assumptions(she's taken, you have to be rich to talk to her, she's out your league etc) so when you actually approach them you're already 10 steps ahead off that alone. Average women are always getting approached so they're always on the defensive cause they know they're just average so you must be up to something. My logic has always been if you only talk to beautiful women you'll only smash beautiful women, it's simple.
Sidenote: when you talk to a "beautiful" woman the last thing you need to do is tell her how fine she is cause she already knows that just have a regular conversation.
This is the key right here. Being ugly gang don't mean shyt if you a warlord. But a lot of men too puccy to be their true masculine self.That is why you shoot your shot and talk to them to see where their minds are. Do not allow her beauty to cause you to fear taking a chance, but also do not let her beauty negate your common sense.
This is the message I have, as an Ugly Gang Warlord.