Any of yall watch "Queen Sugar" on OWN?

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Y'all know I'm a feminist to the bone, but Ava's hyperfeminism is starting to bleed into this show and it's getting on my nerves.

1. Nova's professor. When Nova saw the young girl Jasmine, she commented "you still have a type". Not once was it addressed that the professor was unethical at least and a predator at most. Why - because we're celebrating bisexuality? Because we can't criticize black women? Because that was supposed to be a good thing? There is absolutely no situation where sleeping with your student is anything but unethical, even if that student is over 18. Yet on this show, it's presented as some sexy "older woman" fling. As a feminist and an educator, it disgusted me that this was never touched on, especially since we saw how Octavia manipulated Nova all over again!

2. Hollywood. My dude. Only one person in your marriage should be wearing panties, and I can't figure out who it is anymore. First off, no REAL bruh wouldn't have given Vi an earful for letting her abusive ex-husband into their home. Yes, it was Vi's house, but it was THEIR home. What she did was disrespectful and out of line, especially since Wood had already told that dude to get out of town. You're telling me he didn't even say as much as a "you could've been in danger"? NOTHIN'? Bullshyt! Now we got this moist-ass convo he's having with his boys about how maybe he should have handled that better. fukk OUTTA HEAH WIT DAT BULLshyt, MAYNE. Toxic masculinity is very much a thing that needs to be addressed...but not in this situation.

Wood already see that Vi so fukking silly (no, wait - I mean PTSD!) that she let a man who beat her ass into her house while she was home alone. If Hollywood hadn't put them paws on him, you know what would've happened? Jimmy Dale would've been all up at the diner...all up at the grocery store...suddenly got a need to move back to St. Joe' get the idea. Not only did JD deserve that beat down, I would've looked at Hollywood sideeyed if it didn't come to pass. Some dudes only understand one thing.

Right, so just be like "yo I found out, I'm moving on"

The worst part was that he *hadn't* just found out. He read all of that and never reached out to her. Unless he just read that book yesterday, there's no excuse. But we're supposed to believe that he was so concerned about her contacting her sponsor? Dude was trash.
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Aug 13, 2013
If they have Charley, Aunt Vi and RalphAngel forgive Nova while Darla is 2 seconds away from becoming a crack whore again because of that damn book I'm gonna be heated.
They are letting Nova off way too easy. She hasn't really suffered any meaningful repercussions for what she did.
This shyt is infuriating.

A sista on LSA had an interesting theory about Nova and how she's written. She thinks that Nova is an extension or avatar
of the writers, therefore they don't see her being in the wrong or in line for retribution.
The season or show isn't over so we'll see where it goes. But so far, her theory seems to hold water.

En Sabah Nur

The First
May 10, 2012
Survival of the fittest
Y'all know I'm a feminist to the bone, but Ava's hyperfeminism is starting to bleed into this show and it's getting on my nerves.

1. Nova's professor. When Nova saw the young girl Jasmine, she commented "you still have a type". Not once was it addressed that the professor was unethical at least and a predator at most. Why - because we're celebrating bisexuality? Because we can't criticize black women? Because that was supposed to be a good thing? There is absolutely no situation where sleeping with your student is anything but unethical, even if that student is over 18. Yet on this show, it's presented as some sexy "older woman" fling. As a feminist and an educator, it disgusted me that this was never touched on, especially since we saw how Octavia manipulated Nova all over again!

2. Hollywood. My dude. Only one person in your marriage should be wearing panties, and I can't figure out who it is anymore. First off, no REAL bruh wouldn't have given Vi an earful for letting her abusive ex-husband into their home. Yes, it was Vi's house, but it was THEIR home. What she did was disrespectful and out of line, especially since Wood had already told that dude to get out of town. You're telling me he didn't even say as much as a "you could've been in danger"? NOTHIN'? Bullshyt! Now we got this moist-ass convo he's having with his boys about how maybe he should have handled that better. fukk OUTTA HEAH WIT DAT BULLshyt, MAYNE. Toxic masculinity is very much a thing that needs to be addressed...but not in this situation.

Wood already see that Vi so fukking silly (no, wait - I mean PTSD!) that she let a man who beat her ass into her house while she was home alone. If Hollywood hadn't put them paws on him, you know what would've happened? Jimmy Dale would've been all up at the diner...all up at the grocery store...suddenly got a need to move back to St. Joe' get the idea. Not only did JD deserve that beat down, I would've looked at Hollywood sideeyed if it didn't come to pass. Some dudes only understand one thing.

The worst part was that he *hadn't* just found out. He read all of that and never reached out to her. Unless he just read that book yesterday, there's no excuse. But we're supposed to believe that he was so concerned about her contacting her sponsor? Dude was trash.

This is where it's easy to see much of this show is written and directed by females. That whole card game scene was :gucci:


Black like the planet that they fear
May 31, 2012
I need a husband like Hollywood, dude always has the best in mind for everyone. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, one of the best, if not the best, black male character on tv today :wow:

Wood is good peoples!! He just wants all his peoples to be happy and safe. He's the type of bruh that if he got it then you got it, you good, listen to you vent and not judge you about the convo. He's not going let you walk over him but he has your back. You would be a fool to lose a friend like him. He's the least flawed character on the show besides the kids( I like shows with flawed characters cuz that's how humans are; deeply flawed some more than others). I know he kept his ex a secret from Aunt Vi, but I understood his reasoning behind it. He wanted his ex to get the medical help she needs so he held off on the divorce so, she can be on his health insurance.:francis:

If he's the best black male character then who is the worst black male character?:lupe:


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
Despite it's flaws this Queen Sugar is easily one of the best Black dramas in TV in some years.

Vi reminds me a lot of my aunt just a real strong outspoken Black woman.

DAG character was such an ass, I'm glad Hollywood gave him the beats. I know people are kind dragging Vi a bit for letting him in the house but it's a pretty realistic depiction of abusive relationships where the abuser has some level of hold over the victim.

Hollywood is like that real cool uncle that gives great advice and is always there when you need him. Like for anything. He cares deeply for Vi and really the rest of the Bordeleauxs. Dude is just reliable and selfless.

Ralph Angel is a hell of a dad and it's cool that he uses his farm to give Black ex convicts honest work after being in the pen,. The dad was right to let Ralph Angel inherit the land, he's made the most of it.

Nova is a thoughtless piece of shyt who used her family's dirt for clout. She did Darla the most dirty though, even if she didn't use her name for her to expose Darla's messed up past without asking is foul and unfortunately most of that blowback hit Blue who didn't deserve any of that and is probably going to be picked on and need counseling now.

Darla couldn't keep it together after that.

I'd like to give a shout out to Micah X. Putting the beats on those slick mouthed white kids.