you need to buy a usenert account. they go either monthly or like say 30 bucks for 500 gigs of downloads.
heres one, 50 bucks 1000 gigs - Usenet News Server - $10/month
after you pay, get a program like "Grab It" (i use this) that connects to usenet servers. and set up the server information you bought from astraweb...
goto google and just type in "omnisphere nzb" or "komplete 8 nzb" , nzb files open up in your "grab it" and everything downloads at like 2 MB a sec. shytll be finished in an hr at most. way faster than torrents and safer
i bought like 400 gigs 3 years ago and havent even used it all up yet. i got komplete 5, 7, omnisphere, atmosphere, nexus, collosus... you name it i got it in record speed.