Gettin' It In

A villain as diabolical as the red skull can never stay dead

i really dont understand how in the midst of this comic book movie phase non of these studios have thought to do a panther flick or re-start the very profitable blade franchise.It just boggles the mind aint no one want to see falcon and to be frank anthony mackie dont even have the right look for this
Id rather see isaiah bradley, but after hearing what marvels dumb ass studio execs said about black panther i doubt it, talking about making a movie about wakanda is too out there and harder to do, smh asgard was a whole other universe and these idiots start coppin pleas because the core answer to what they said is basically they wont make the film because they cant imagine it
Id rather see isaiah bradley, but after hearing what marvels dumb ass studio execs said about black panther i doubt it, talking about making a movie about wakanda is too out there and harder to do, smh asgard was a whole other universe and these idiots start coppin pleas because the core answer to what they said is basically they wont make the film because they cant imagine it