Just because the gates are open.....doesn't mean you gotta walk through them.For real. Women gotta learn to keep their legs closed to these type of nikkas. But this her payroll. She clearly wasn't thinking about the baby when she decided to give birth. But now nikkas wanna fault Ant? Nah. Women are the gatekeepers to sex. He made it clear from the jump. That's all she needed right then and there. Keep.your.legs.closed and stop trying to trap nikkas. Chick was so thirsty for a check. That's all she was thinking about.
She's looking for a pay day. He wants zero consequences for smashing birds raw.
They both irresponsible as hell....but the courts only look at what helps the child, so he's coming up off some of that bread. He acting like she put a gun to his head and forced him to fukk her with no rubber. Now if she poked holes in the condom or pull the rubber off...that's different.