I don't remember samoan joe getting this kind of backlash for ruining tyson kids life or AJ for fukking up yoshi tatsu... hell the internet wasn't around but what about Dlo Brown... granted these guys don't have a "history" of injuring others when they did it was nearly fatal. Nia jax hasn't ended anyones career or seriously injured anyone.. just looking to understand the thought process
The muscle buster bump is really no different from your standard neck breaker bump, and there was no change in how Joe gave the move, nor any problem with how Kidd took it (video's out there, you can take a look for yourself). Kidd's injury was a freak accident that was going to happen at some point, if not then (see also: Sasha Banks mule kicking Paige and aggravating the injury that caused her retirement. You could say that Sasha kicked her too hard, but if THAT ended Paige's career, then it didn't matter that it was Sasha. Someone or something was going to do it at some point). Joe was also profusely apologetic and checked on Kidd immediately after he got settled in a hospital.
As others have said, Yoshi got his neck broken because he took the move wrong. AJ did the move the exact same way he always does, Yoshi just decided not to bump flat on his face like he should have. AJ actually did get significant heat because two other guys (including Roderick Strong, who's taken more than his fair share of Styles Clashes) also took the move wrong and tucked their heads, with one guy also breaking his neck. If they told AJ they could take the move fine and he performed it as he always does, then I'm not sure how AJ is supposed to be blamed there (though he was a bit of a dikk about it at times).
The D-Lo/Droz incident was a complete freak accident according to both guys. The details are kind of murky since the match itself was never televised (I've heard that there was a wet spot in the ring they slipped on, but again, never saw it), but from all accounts neither guy did anything wrong, and D-Lo's always been apologetic about what happened.
Nia Jax, on the other hand, has recklessly handled a number of her fellow wrestlers and never shown either remorse or a commitment to being a better worker. In this instance, she choke lifts Kairi and, instead of simply throwing her into the corner immediately behind her (closest) or immediately in front of her (still relatively close) she walks her over to the opposite right hand corner (because she's one of these WWE workers who always works to the hard cam even when it doesn't make sense to do so, not understanding that
the camera will always follow you and your opponent no matter what), proceeds to not listen to Kairi's protests about not being set, and recklessly chucks her down into the second turnbuckle. And then makes jokes about it on Twitter. Do you see the difference between what Nia did and what the guys in your other three examples did? shyt, even AJ said he could just not do the Styles Clash if his opponents weren't comfortable taking the move and told him beforehand.
That's why she gets so much heat even though she hasn't actually crippled anybody yet: Her sloppy work puts her opponents into danger and
she doesn't care one bit. That's not an attitude to be lauded or respected at all.