OP not dropping anything that will bring black folk any closer to what they desire.
What does buying the vote mean to a people that earn a median salary of $51,000? You don't even know what you want. You have no agreed upon long term goals.
You need the senate for that. State governors. Only way that happens is if you start raising the next few generations to ENTER politics. Fill the supreme court with black judges. Which again means that you direct your kids toward law.
But let's be real here. What are we passing down to our kids? The culture is not solving problems. It needs to be stripped down and refined. Our kids can't even read or do mathematics at a proficient level nationwide.
I'm talking to deaf ears though.
It is racism.
Blanketed by capitalism
They got rid of affirmative action.
When we whipped their asses in education and thus corporate america. Yet affirmative action was removed. So it is racism. As the time when black people could effectively rejuvenate our legal sector. Which were all decimated from actual death by fire.
Hence Wilmington, chicsgo, Oklahoma, nyc were all decimated due to actual fire. Then not directly.
or really reported on because of racism. So when black people have won the race via capitalism. They have came and literally set flame.
to our movements and burned up our politician, backers and activists. Even killed any white people.
who were brazen enough.
to dispute their brand of racism as well. Hence there is no black nationalism from these sectors.
All taken by fire. Then not allowed proper keynesian theories. To redevelopment like the majority. Given reparations to do so. Black america will struggle to gain a foothold in politics in this system of capitalism. This country has known since 1968 and the race commission. Exactly down to the second.
how to stop our development moving forward.
Plus created a discovery and discovery zone periods.
From that discovery for applied knowledge.
Plus during school reform.
how to create social status based drug use. To strip any gain away as well.
As their system requires those with wealth.
to subscribe to their ares and hepatheus roman bath house audi home shower shark games via parochial and private school system.
As rhe brand of education and schooling black people thrive in. Is a word our udc education. Has made it to difficult for the general person to pronounce.
With their brand of udc lead education. We have no general way in this system to create long term change. Or re-establish any order of black nationalism to combat. With a long term strategy in a war of attrition to counter them. Which is the issue.
which of course begins and ends with the acquisition of resources via capitalism.
It is all a circle jerk chain of Marxist racist based ism's. In their ares and hepatheus audio homme shark grecian roman bathhouse kuklos style ideaology. That allows them the luxury. To apply their clandestined kuklos based ideas to everything. That would atypically work against.
the lack of keynesian theory present. Plus hold down any opportunity or counter via a war of attrition as well.
Which is why we are losing this war of attrition to capitalism so easily now. As they have ran a number of long term war of attrition based salvos at black America. Doing away completely with black nationalism. Plus no long term prospect.
in this war of attrition from lack of stability via capitalism. To sheer use of fire. To smoke and burn us out and away from being effective. Against this war of attrition. In their racist system snd brand of capitalism.
Art Barr