another bachelor guidebook thread (add em) :


Aug 1, 2012
. french toast


1 egg
2 tsp milk
2 slices bread

. crepes


  • 1 1/2 cups (350ml) milk
  • 1 cup (142g) all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp granulated sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3 Tbsp (42g) unsalted butter

. cheese toastie


  • 100g Isle of Mull Cheddar
  • 4 slices organic white bread
  • 50g organic salted butter

. invest in cleaning products for each room.

. always have your bathroom immaculate

. never buy grey sheets if your room is always unkept.

. invest in scented candles and ambi-pur if you are a smoker and have to close windows a lot.

. learn to be frugal as sport, because it all adds up.

add em ............. :feedme:
  • Grab and wed

    Don’t think you can make it by yourself? Still unable to switch off transmissions from pals who say your only trouble is you need to get over your alleged commitment phobia? Settle! Just marry anyone. There’ll be someone out there just like you who’s always dreamed of going halves on a conservatory and a toddler with a fetish for smearing jam on the glass doors. Looks aren’t everything, you tell yourself as you amble down the aisle with all the enthusiasm of Marie Antoinette being invited to neck-test the latest guillotine. It’s not the best option and will probably lead to your haggling over half a house rather further into your dotage than you’d like – but it is still an option. It should drive you on to something better if nothing else.

    Go full bachelor

    Embrace it. Live the dream. Go full single man, but instead of the type who still lives with his mother and turns his underwear inside out after a day’s wear, have a go at the glamorous Lothario type. Buy a car you can’t afford! Date people who can’t remember the advent of Brangelina! Become the kind of person who makes your friends fall into deathly silence whenever you enter a room! Tell yourself nothing matters because you have your freedom – then get arrested when it becomes increasingly clear you have nothing of the sort! Just make sure you’re not the other kind of tragic bachelor boy, the one your mother always warned you about. You know? This guy: a fridge full of beer! Pizza for breakfast! Table football! Easy chairs in his man-cave! Sure, Joey from Friends was this guy and he managed to get sex, but he not only looked like Matt LeBlanc, he looked like Matt LeBlanc from 25 years ago. Cultivate this lifestyle and before long you’ll look like Matt LeBlanc left out to dry on a rock for 300 years.

    Find a crew

    The cult of respectability and coupledom may have claimed your best buddies, but there are still hordes of people out there as yet unsullied, so seek them out. Believe it or not, they are regular people, just like me and you – but mainly you; I’m with someone. Do activities together, talk very pointedly about anything other than being married or single together and, on certain inevitable weekends away at the country cottage you hire, dabble in a regrettable gram or two and have sex with each other. Then repeat all over again with a different crew.

    Be an inspiration

    Relish your role in corrupting your mates’ children and being the fun uncle. What sweet, twisted pleasure it is to hear them call your name with nuclear-level adulation while they bark back at their own parents with ill-concealed contempt. If your phone runs out of battery, simply hook it up to the energy from the feels that wash over you when little Johnny squeezed your hand extra tight and said, “I wish you were my daddy,” before wetting himself and coughing in your face. Full charge within seconds.


    OK, so all your friends have hooked up and are settled down, but don’t look upon this as losing them, but gaining... even more potential sexual partners. It seems to work very well for members of the music business and Premier League footballers – practically all of them have bagged off with a mate’s husband or wife at some point. All you need to do is drop round looking a bit lost and saying things like, “He doesn’t know how lucky he is to have you” or “What I really need is someone like you to keep me on track.” What? It's their fault for leaving you by yourself, right?

    Be the perfect gooseberry

    Oh, so your married mates want you to tag along as a plus-one, do they? Worried you’ll be lonely without them, are they? See above: break them up. Or outshine them at every turn so that strangers assume your friend’s spouse is with you, because why the hell would they be with him? “Exactly,” you say, as you take them home in an Uber for passable sex that you will not repeat, because as a fully formed bachelor you consider ghosting to be one of your five-a-day.

    Be the eternal wingman

    Be that annoying friend who constantly drags his married mates out on lads’ nights, accusing them of being “half the man they were” and rolling your eyes every time they talk about their partner. “Come on, why can’t we just have fun together like we used to?” you say, blissfully oblivious to the fact your time together was so little fun your friend had to go to extreme lengths and get married just to be free of you a few extra weekends a year.

    Combat matchmaking

    Politely explain to your friends that while you’re sure that “great guy at work” or their “amazing friend Sarah” are both delightful, you are not a maths problem to be solved or a c-plot character in Pride And Prejudice. You would rather, you tell them confidently, meet someone organically, just like they did – so in a bar or drunk at a work event or desperately swiping right on Tinder at 3am on 22 December so you can score a New Year snog.

    Get a project

    This is actually the perfect time to get to know yourself better. So you’re not coupled up. So what? Indulge your own interests. Do that marathon. Get travelling and meet new people. Lock yourself in the nearest gym and get hench, as your so-called dad-bod mates drool with envy over the searing heat of the barbecue their spouse insists they stand over 26 weeks a year. Write that novel. Go full hipster. Yes, mate, it is time to grow that beard. Start becoming fascinated about yourself – there’s more to life than splitting utility bills and fretting over what to buy your partner for their birthday. Make yourself your biggest commitment.

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Aug 1, 2012

invest in scented and odourless candless, you dont want fumes while you are trying to woo the woman but you do want that atmosphere.

Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016
I was taught to add a small splash of vodka to that crepe recipe to improve texture

Strange thread for Thanksgiving but :yeshrug:

I'd say if you can afford it, keep a stocked bar and learn to make a simple cocktail or two for entertaining.

You better minimally have some fukking ice trays
500 ml of mid-range vodka, gin, whisky, rum
Soft drink mixers, tonic, soda water, cranberry, orange, pineapple

More advanced:
Tequila, cognac
Sweet or dry vermouth, angostura bitters
Lemons, limes

Aperitifs and liquers (not really my thing)
Fireball whisky if you still in college

It's a big difference between offering a small assortment incl some of the above vs. telling a girl you got a bottle of vodka in the freezer if she want some


Aug 1, 2012
I was taught to add a small splash of vodka to that crepe recipe to improve texture

Strange thread for Thanksgiving but :yeshrug:

I'd say if you can afford it, keep a stocked bar and learn to make a simple cocktail or two for entertaining.

You better minimally have some fukking ice trays
500 ml of mid-range vodka, gin, whisky, rum
Soft drink mixers, tonic, soda water, cranberry, orange, pineapple

More advanced:
Tequila, cognac
Sweet or dry vermouth, angostura bitters
Lemons, limes

Aperitifs and liquers (not really my thing)
Fireball whisky if you still in college

It's a big difference between offering a small assortment incl some of the above vs. telling a girl you got a bottle of vodka in the freezer if she want some

man i dont celebrate the holiday hell day. :russ:

i dont drink but my shelf would look good with bottles for guests and its good to have some good books on your shelf to add to the atmosphere of your place.


Aug 1, 2012
. invest in two dumb bells, and bungee rope so you can do home work outs without paying for the gym and be more frugal. as a bachelor who is stupid with money ends up homeless.

Apr 3, 2014

OK, so all your friends have hooked up and are settled down, but don’t look upon this as losing them, but gaining... even more potential sexual partners. It seems to work very well for members of the music business and Premier League footballers – practically all of them have bagged off with a mate’s husband or wife at some point. All you need to do is drop round looking a bit lost and saying things like, “He doesn’t know how lucky he is to have you” or “What I really need is someone like you to keep me on track.” What? It's their fault for leaving you by yourself, right?

Nikka huh :dahell::dahell::pachaha: