TheJet Superstar Joined Jul 24, 2012 Messages 10,966 Reputation 1,401 Daps 24,362 Monday at 3:42 PM #16 Obviously.
King Poetic Sagittarius King Supporter Joined Feb 15, 2013 Messages 97,689 Reputation 19,325 Daps 475,764 Reppin The Bottom of the Lake Monday at 3:45 PM #17 I see no problem Outside of Kendrick, Drake and Cole The rest of rappers are trash And im not talking about the older common, pete rock artist
I see no problem Outside of Kendrick, Drake and Cole The rest of rappers are trash And im not talking about the older common, pete rock artist
derro13 All Star Joined Nov 15, 2014 Messages 1,696 Reputation -137 Daps 9,308 Monday at 8:55 PM #18 Obvious tbh.
Nuuko All Star Joined May 13, 2013 Messages 2,839 Reputation -465 Daps 10,939 Reppin NULL Monday at 9:36 PM #19 Couldn't have been anyone else.