ben anderson
She got some big as titties
She post ONE picture with a white guy outta 330 and yall assume she on that
She post ONE picture with a white guy outta 330 and yall assume she on that
So what about this oneThink about it........out of all the dudes who probably simp/want to be with her. She chose the pic of the white guy.
We need to do something about Caucasians seeming to grab our "best" And thats for men & women.
in before pictures of white boyfriend pops up
So what about this one
What about this post
WHYI CELEBRATEBLACK WOMENEVERY CHANCEIGET! It's very seldom that I go off, but... This article, published in 1966, begins with, "Gone are the spindly legs, sagging bosoms, unruly rumps, and ill-groomed heads that marred many a potential lovely of yesteryear.” I will never stop promoting self-love for black women because back then and even now, we've been struggling to love ourselves. For many little black girls, the struggle to love their skin color is crucial. How are we supposed to embrace our beautiful skin when we're made to feel like we're inadequate because of it? How are we supposed to have high self-esteem if we're told we're unattractive because of thing we can't change? I will never stop screaming#BLACKISBEAUTIFUL! Furthermore, I need people to understand that promoting black beauty does NOT, in any way, take away from the beauty of whites women, or any other races. Proclaiming positive things about black beauty does not automatically eliminate or ignore the beauty of others. We know your beauty is there. EVERYONE knows your beauty is there. You want to know why? Because you're the norm! Black women are simply taking a stand and stating "even though my beauty isn't the "norm", I'm still hot " and I'm so here for that! Alright. I'm done
Or this pic
#5postorlessin before pictures of white boyfriend pops up