Actually I think it's the opposite. Angela Rye and Tiffany Cross get opportunities aligned with the Democratic Party with the understanding that they can help galvanize and deliver Black voters. They're probably about to get bushed.
I dont think they are aware enough to see it coming. You heard her say she was upset and felt like black media,voices and strategist like herself were overlooked and taken for granted. Assuming she thinks thats partially the reason Kamala lost. So she probably believes Democrats will learn from their "mistake" and use people like her more in the upcoming elections.
She could be right you never know. But these black liberals are so out of touch with black people, I dont see how they will be anything other than a hinderance to Democrats anyway. Shes back to talking like a normal black person after taking a major L. They are arrogant and dismissive of black peoples concerns when they up though. Now you see these Democratic shcills been speaking #BothSides talking points all week suddenly. Oh,Democrats dont pay enough attention to black voters? Oh Democrats were wrong to focus on latinos over black people? Oh you ready to watch the country burn now,but were unwilling to leverage your vote and let the chips fall?
Oh well,its inevietable,welcome to #BothSides