hope biden replaces that piece of shyt mnuchin with him
I hope so but DeBlasio is such a bipolar idiot assclown that I’m scared NYC might elect a right winger this time around
Very possible. All the people who cry about how NYC is falling apart are either moving away or wanna move away (or live in SI)So in 2021, he’s got options to run or be on Biden’s team.
Could he win a NYC mayoral race?
I dont see him trying to play that game.
Paid interviews and book deals at best. Of the 15 minutes of fame, he got, only 5 minutes remain.
Secretary of Math
The perfect fit for Yang would-be treasury secretary, but it most likely goes to some ex-investment banker, that trend has to be broken hopefully it starts with Yang.
Don't see playing what game politics? He ran for president sure he knows the game.
Also, Yang isn't going anywhere. The 15-minute fame statement is nonsensical. There is a tactical reason why he just before Joe.
He couldn't get away with being gimmicky the way DeBlasio was.
Very possible. All the people who cry about how NYC is falling apart are either moving away or wanna move away (or live in SI)
wonder how long he'll be a talking headHe'll be a political entrepreneur for a while, make some money. Then he'll run for another office. Hope he wins too. I don't necessarily agree with him on everything but at least he's not an ideological absolutist.
Hmm, he'd need $$$ but he's proven he can raise money from the YangGang.
wonder how long he'll be a talking head
And you're basing this on what?
If you look at his professional background and what he's done since he dropped out, he will use this as a way to promote his future endeavours.
1. He's never held a public office before and is still on the outside. it also means he doesn't have access to the circle of politics like other potential candidates.
2. He's not a billionaire. He's not even wealthy. He's had several failed startup ventures after leaving his career as a corporate lawyer (after only 5 months on the job), so he can't fund his only campaign.
3. He's shown throughout his professional career that he doesn't stick to one thing very long.
4. If not for the UBI ploy, he wouldn't be known for anything else, other than being Asain.
He will use his celebrity is to enrich himself for as long as he can. Any air time to him, his free advertising. He's already started a non-profit immediately after he dropped out. He's an entrepreneur so his goal is to get paid first and foremost. He was never qualified or even tried to look qualified to be president in the first place.