Word is Trump has two friends that want to be governor, and if he can get someone in that office, they can pardon him for the tax case.
These things only come out when someone has a political or financial motive.
Same thing with Spitzer he amassed a lot of political enemies when he was attorney general as soon as he becomes governor we find out he likes escorts, then he resigns.
Patterson becomes governor and no pun intended doesn't see a republican led coup to take back the state house. Coumo is now the attorney general and he waits for Patterson to do the right thing and not run for a full term.
Now Cuomo is governor and he remembers everything the republicans and democrats did to Spitzer/Patterson. Every politician involved in that coup went to jail for some sort of fraud.
Cuomo just gonna have to stick this one out until Tish James becomes governor.
This shyt is bigger than Nino Brown