The Media was claiming him in 2020 as the "New Leader of the Democratic Party" and in 2021...they throwing him under the bus...

Yeah he didn't apologize but he was brown nosing them jewish folks all last year.
In the end these politicians are out for self
As I said before someone is paying these women to come forth and snitch on cuomo. 9 times out of ten when politician gender scandals come out those in ones party or outside the party are setting that person up.
I don't know if its dems or repubs or both who are out to get cuomo but the fix is in and I don't trust none of them b*stards.
Oh and if you think I am bull shytting just replay the justin fairfax shyt from last year and how we know dems and some repubs were working together to get that brotha to resign.
Oh yeah they definitely trying to get him outta there...
The longer he stays, the worse it gets...
The system is gonna be rigged against him every step of the way..its a losing battle
Protect herself from what?
She didn't accuse him of rape or anything like that did she?
Then why did she have to sleep in a locked bathroom to protect herself?
These hoes![]()
Oh yeah they definitely trying to get him outta there...
The longer he stays, the worse it gets...
The system is gonna be rigged against him every step of the way..its a losing battle
Or disavow cancel culture so this nonsense stops.True, which is why every male these days needs to keep quiet about cancel culture as it could easily happen to them. Whether the allegations are true or not the precedent has been set.
Or disavow cancel culture so this nonsense stops.
The man hired a cute chic and told ppl when he didn't like a bad pic of himself and they got a pic of him looking all sinister trying to make it look like he's Lucifer himself better fight this. Do NOT resign.
We’ve asked other people to resign because of allegations, so why shouldn’t he have to as well?
Like I said earlier, Trump set a precedent and folks should use it.
Did he though? We don’t know if those allegations were true or not same as these being Can’t disregard one set of allegations, but take others serious. That’s the problem with cancel culture in that you can’t pick and choose when to take them serious depending on the person and whether you like them or not.
If you disregard or disagree with what I’m saying, then you’re proving my point.