This is great news for all my #SOGGang brehs. I don't care who he fights, because it's a tuneup, it gets him active and back in the public consciousness, and I know big things are on the horizon. I guess since this has been finalized I can let a few things out. I remember @Newzz asking months ago, At the beginning of the year SOG was originally in discussions with Kessler before he retired. He was set to go to Denmark and they had an HBO date for this month, but they were hung up on a revenue split for the gate, and HBO was squabbling over $500k for Ward. The HBO issue is what has delayed his return to the ring. But Roc Nation has the contacts, $, and sponsors to bypass HBO/Showtime so they took it into their own hands. I'm sure HBO will be back in the fold after this tuneup.
And I forgot who posted it, and my bad for not giving credit, but the GGG/Ward talk is true. It's supposed to set up a few fights from now, when Ward gets a few fights in and rebuilds his stock for PPV. There's no ducking going on, and that's largely why Ward is sticking around at 168.

#shookboys getting their wig split in 2016