No it's not. Meelad is right. I'm not going to type a long answer but to say "cutting weight is cutting weight don't use semantics here" is just wrong. I'm not trying to come at anybody but i don't think a lot of you understand how a camp works or what cutting weight really is or what it does to your body. Silva doesn't "cut" 40-50 pounds. He actually is a mid size MW and has one of the easier cuts in fighting.
How about you type me your long answer about cutting weight......
Or maybe I'll type it for you.
avg training camp 12 weeks.
week 12-10 consist of slowly switching the types of carbs given while increasing protein and healthy fats + the strengthening of cardio
9-5 consist of only complex carbs double the protein and fats, body begins using fats for energy.
4-2 Same as above with even less carbs
week 1 drink 1-2 gallons of water daily turning the body into "flush" mode
stop drinking water completely day before weigh in
sweat box/cardio if you have anything left to lose.
So what exactly is it that you have to explain to me nikka
I'm using the numbers HE GAVE me(meelad92), that's 40lbs EASY.
I can type out the version with strength and conditioning if you'd like too.