I don't know if they want JGL to play Bruce Wayne or what but the fact of the matter is DC is doing this whole setup terribly from what I see
What they need to do is
- keep the Nolanverse a stand alone series
- in Man of Steel make references to places like Central City and Coast City to drop hints that Flash and Green Lantern exist in this universe and maybe reference Gotham
- Do the aftercredits sh*t that ties into the next movie
- Give Wonder Woman a movie with a respectable actress that will attract female fans as well as male fans who wouldn't mind seeing half naked amazons f*ckin sh*t up all movie

- Give Green Lantern another movie... carry on with the Sinestro plot and since GL is more space oriented, kind of introduce Martian Manhunter
- THEN do a Justice League tying all the plots.. introducing Batman and Flash. Batman doesn't need another stand alone movie to tie him in as everyone knows his story and Flash doesn't need a stand alone movie to introduce him either, you can give him his own AFTER the JL movie and later do a Aquaman movie and add him in the JL sequel
- and Batman MUST be Bruce Wayne... if JGL plays him or not
If DC was smart, they'd use the Injustice Gang secretly lead by Lex Luthor in the JL movie.. after the JL defeat the IG, they find out Luthor was behind it but can't prove it enough to send him to jail. In the Superman sequel, have Luthor again and add Metallo and Parasite as minor characters or something and have Luthor work with Brainiac.. then in the JL sequel, Luthor gets desperate and allies himself with Darkseid