An old border dispute in Guyana/Venezuela is reignited


Nov 12, 2014
Venezuela can carry they skunt

Anyway this is dumb. Uncle Sam and the UK are waiting for any reason to invade and drop bombs on Venezuela, they have vested interests in Guyana. Guyana is under no real pressure of invasion or force. Any act of hostility from Venezuela will be met with extreme force.

until Juan Guaidó takes over ...


Nov 26, 2016
Venezuela can carry they skunt

Anyway this is dumb. Uncle Sam and the UK are waiting for any reason to invade and drop bombs on Venezuela, they have vested interests in Guyana. Guyana is under no real pressure of invasion or force. Any act of hostility from Venezuela will be met with extreme force.
Yep. It would basically give the international community a reason to further fukk up Venezuela.

That oil money got them not thinking straight. They would get destroyed.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Caricom reiterates support for Guyana in border dispute with Venezuela
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

GEORGETOWN, Guyana (CMC) — Caribbean Community (Caricom) leaders have reiterated their “firm and unwavering support” for Guyana in its border dispute with Venezuela in light of a recent move by Caracas to strengthen national support for its claim to the ownership of a significant portion of the Caricom country.

“Caricom has taken note of the round of negotiations in Mexico and mediated by Norway between representatives of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the opposition, seeking to bring an end to the protracted multidimensional crisis afflicting that country,” the regional leaders said in a statement on Tuesday, following their emergency meeting held virtually on Monday.

They said they have also taken note of the “two initial agreements that have been reached on the Social Protection of the Venezuela People, and on the Ratification and Defence of Venezuelan Sovereignty over the Guyana Essequibo”.

Last week, the government said it “firmly rejects” an agreement signed between the Venezuela government and an opposition party in the South American country formally agreeing to unite on the question of the longstanding claim to the ownership of a large swath of Guyana.

Georgetown said that the agreement between the Nicolas Maduro government and the Unity Platform of Venezuela was signed in Mexico City on Monday.

“That agreement is an overt threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Guyana,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation said in a statement.

“Guyana cannot be used as an altar of sacrifice for settlement of Venezuela's internal political differences. While the Government of Guyana welcomes domestic accord within Venezuela, an agreement defying international law and process is not a basis for mediating harmony,” the statement added.

In its statement, the Caricom leaders said they wanted to reiterate their “firm and unwavering support for the maintenance and preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Guyana”.

They said that they were also reaffirming their “support for the ongoing judicial process of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that is intended to bring a peaceful and definitive end to the long-standing controversy between the two countries and urges Venezuela to participate in the process”.
On Sunday, Guyana's President, Irfaan Ali, said he would seek Caricom support on the border dispute following the developments in Mexico.
The ICJ ruled last December that it has jurisdiction to decide Guyana's claim against Venezuela that the boundary between the two States was fixed in an 1899 Arbitral Award. Venezuela is opposed to the ICJ and its ruling.
Venezuela is maintaining its claim to an estimated 70 per cent of the Essequibo region including Guyana's offshore oil reserves, with Caracas arguing that the 1899 agreement, which determined the boundaries between the two countries, is null and void.
But Guyana has approached the ICJ to seek a final, binding judgement on the 1899 Arbitral Award that determines that boundary between the two countries. In December 2020, the ICJ ruled that it has the authority to rule on this case.
With the court ruling that it has the jurisdiction to hear the case filed by Guyana, the country has been given until March 8, 2022 to file written pleadings in its case against Venezuela. Meanwhile, Venezuela has until March 8, 2022 to file counterarguments.
Guyana is however seeking to obtain a final and binding judgement that will clearly state that the Essequibo region is indisputably part of this country

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

Venezuela claims large support for annexing oil-rich Guyana territory​

In the referendum Venezuelan voters were asked whether they support establishing a state in Essequibo.

A man walks in front of a mural of the Venezuelan map with the Essequibo territory included, in Caracas, Venezuela

Guyana President Mohamed Irfaan Ali said his government is working to ensure the country’s borders remain intact [File: Matias Delacroix/AP Photo]
Dec 4, 2023

More than half of eligible Venezuelan voters have taken part in a referendum that yielded overwhelming support for laying claim to an oil-rich border region administered by neighbouring Guyana, officials in Caracas have said.
More than 10.4 million out of 20.7 million eligible voters cast their ballots, National Electoral Council president Elvis Amoroso said to lay to rest initial doubts over the turnout.

The “yes” vote in Sunday’s non-binding referendum was 95 percent, according to officials.
The referendum result, announced on Monday, came after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) warned Caracas against “annexation” of the territory called Essequibo, which has long been ruled by Guyana.
Venezuela has for decades laid claim to Essequibo, which makes up more than two-thirds of the territory of Guyana and is home to 125,000 of its 800,000 citizens. Guyana, a former British and Dutch colony, insists the frontiers were determined by an arbitration panel in 1899.
“It has been a total success for our country, for our democracy,” President Nicolas Maduro told supporters gathered in the capital. “We have taken the first steps of a new historic stage in the struggle for what belongs to us.”
The figure of 10.4 million announced by Amoroso, accompanied by Maduro, is the highest turnout ever in a Venezuelan election.
Guyana President Mohamed Irfaan Ali said his government is working continuously to ensure the country’s borders “remain intact” and said people have “nothing to fear over the next number of hours, days, months ahead”.

What were voters asked?​

“I came to vote because Essequibo is ours, and I hope that whatever they are going to do, they think about it thoroughly and remember to never put peace at risk,” merchant Juan Carlos Rodríguez, 37, told The Associated Press news agency after voting at a centre in Caracas where only a handful of people were in line.
Each voter was asked five questions, including if they agreed with creating a new state called Guayana Esequiba in the Essequibo region, granting its population Venezuelan citizenship, as well as identity cards, and incorporating that state into the map of Venezuelan territory.

The electoral council, however, did not explain whether the number of votes was equivalent to each voter or if it was the sum of all the answers.

It is also not yet clear how Maduro will implement the results of the vote.

‘Textbook example of annexation’​

The referendum in Venezuela was held after the ICJ urged the country to refrain from “taking any action” that could alter the status quo in the region.

On Friday, the international court president Joan E Donoghue said statements from Venezuela’s government suggest it “is taking steps with a view toward acquiring control over and administering the territory in dispute”.

“Furthermore, Venezuelan military officials announced that Venezuela is taking concrete measures to build an airstrip to serve as a ‘logistical support point for the integral development of the Essequibo’,” she said.

But Guyana has always feared that the referendum could be a pretext for a land grab.

“The collective decision called for here involves nothing less than the annexation of the territory in dispute in this case,” Paul Reichler, an American lawyer representing Guyana, told the ICJ. “This is a textbook example of annexation.”

Homes stand in the village of Surama in the Rupununi area of the Essequibo
Homes stand in the village of Surama in the Rupununi area of the Essequibo, a territory in dispute with Venezuela [File: Juan Pablo Arraez/AP Photo]

Essequibo is larger than Greece and rich in minerals. It also gives access to an area of the Atlantic where energy giant ExxonMobil discovered oil in commercial quantities in 2015, drawing the attention of Maduro’s government.

Caracas considers Essequibo as its own because the region was within its boundaries during Spanish colonial times.

The Guyanese government insists on retaining the border determined in Paris in 1899 by an arbitration panel while claiming that Venezuela had agreed with the ruling until it changed its mind in 1962.