An NYU student is tweeting every reported drone strike by the US since 2002


Jun 4, 2012
Children being killed here and in the middle East are both sad, but different.

This is a crazy news story here. Over there, this is just life and not an isolated news story.
We can debate gun laws and mental illness and attempt to come up with solutions to our issues... Theres nothing they can do about The US bombing them. We will continue to co-sign the drones increasing number of collateral children and adult damage.

We will let news about 30 children dieing here dominate the headlines, but not have one headline about hundreds of children that are killed by foreign invaders. Chances are, there will be a long time before something else like this happens in America. Chances are, a few children will die in the middle east today from drone strikes, that we will never hear about..

And we can say fcking Obama is to blame, but realistically we are to blame. The same way we continue to let ourselves get fcked by the Fed Reserve and Financial industries.. we continue to let children die in the name of our safety.

We can't hate on Obama for not taking a bullet by making a righteous announcement; when he has a family to take care of. We know he's a figure head for US foreign policy. I guess he could make a crazy announcement, but that would take more courage than he probably has.